While I commend the efforts of the schools to collect cans for the needy and I like to contribute, I feel disappointed when the cans shown in photos are always baked beans or spaghetti.
Perhaps photographers could show a little imagination and take photos of more healthy canned food. There is a lot to choose from and I am sure needy people are sick of baked beans and spaghetti.
Free public access
The recent discussion about charging for entry to Hamurana Springs reminds me that at one time we had free access to the Whakarewarewa thermal area and village, Hell's Gate and Rotomahana thermal areas, Mokoia Island, Mt Tarawera summit and the Hamurana, Fairy and Utuhina springs. These are all now closed to free public access.
What will be next - the Rotorua lakes, Okere and Tarawera falls, the Redwoods, lakeside and forest walks and biking trails?