A solution to rubbish problem
I found John Pakes' views (Letters, February 6) rather amusing in regards to solving the problem illegal dumping of rubbish, even though the problem itself is no laughing matter. Some residents in known hotspots are calling for cameras to be installed to catch the culprits (News, January 11).
One councillor (Charles Sturt) had said he'd had a gutful but didn't offer any solution.
Pakes in his letter instead tries to shoot the messenger, Tracey McLeod, as she offered practical solutions for cameras, such as solar or battery operated and being positioned high up out of reach of vandals, as the council has said powering the cameras in rural areas, made them difficult or impossible to use.
Pakes attempts to offer no solution himself, other than reading the council website. That's the hilarious part. His own letter provided a solution by placing signs informing people of cameras because of the privacy act. Unusual, as I don't see any signs in retail shops and CBD streets for all the so-called "secret" CCTV cameras. However, in his own words, there lay a possible solution, "It would indeed be a mug who then let his rubbish go beneath the sign". Problem solved? We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward and finding the answer. Smile you're on camera?
Tracey McLeod
Lake Tarawera
Cilmate change and the Bible
Rachel Stewart's stance on climate change is well known, and I celebrate her passion.
Over the last few years, I have moved from being a denier to a convert, in that I now acknowledge that Earth's climate has definitely changed in my lifetime (70+ years) and I see that mankind's "civilising" of the planet is to blame.
My reasoning on any and every subject is coloured absolutely by my faith in God and the truth contained in His Bible. So, from that point of view, I'm offering some thoughts on this vital subject. Firstly, Bible students should not be surprised by global warming, oceans poisoned by plastic waste, wholesale felling of indigenous forest to make way for cash crops that promise a fast buck to ill-informed investors or indeed, any other climatic calamity.
These things are threaded throughout God's Word and brought to the fore in Revelation, the last book in His message to mankind. Chapter 8 talks about rivers polluted, seas poisoned, vegetation burnt up and cosmic mayhem and that's just a tiny portion of His warnings! What follows, however, should not be ignored and affects every man, woman and child. No matter what steps governments, policy makers, societies or individuals take, will at best, only fend off the inevitable for a season. We are facing the end of the world as we know it! I advise you to get into your Bibles and find for yourselves the only answer, Jesus Christ.
John Williams
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