As a Christian with a science degree I accept the process of human evolution. For me, Christ is both Son of God, risen from the dead, and Son of Man, descendant of apes.
Much opposition to evolution comes from Creationists. These are Fundamentalist Christians who have adopted a literal interpretation of the whole Bible.
As a result, Creationists are unable to distinguish between the story of creation in the Book of Genesis, which is actually an ancient polemic against neighbouring religions, and the story of Christ's resurrection in the Book of Luke, which is actually a reliable ancient historical account.
The literalist understanding of the whole Bible by Creationists means that they must maintain that the world was created in six days about 6000 years ago. They believe that if they do not maintain this then they are in effect admitting that the Bible contains lies, including Christ's resurrection.
I personally have found that by following the two strands of evidence for both evolution and Christ's resurrection there are overwhelming cases for both.
I think the conflict between the two comes from equally close-minded people (Creationists and Atheists) who are unable to accept the substantial evidence of both strands. In my observation, both sides are fundamentally blinded by fears (that their constructed personal identities and worldviews are threatened).
Thought control
The letter by David Carman saying we do not have to choose one idea over another is not quite that simple and the argument does not rest on proving who is right or wrong. As I see it, the matters of law and democracy also come into play.
G J Philips wanted to stop having either biology or science taught in schools and instead replace it with his bible beliefs thereby imposing a form of thought control on our children and future generations.
It's then you come up against the laws of the land such as the Bill of Rights and the 1877 Education Act. The latter made our schooling system free and secular and by doing so left religious beliefs the prerogative of those who chose to believe them.
No modern state can function if we have a state religion overriding statute law as in Iran and Saudi Arabia. In such countries when their ideas are questioned, the person who does so is arrested and tortured, even killed. Communist and fascist countries also used to do that and still do.
We do not want that kind of thinking in this country.
Science is not a theory but a proven benefit to mankind and the planet we live on. So I ask Mr Philips if we had no scientists who would make the medicines that keep us well?
Yellow Pages
They have done it again, those people who design the telephone directory. They have gone to a font that is difficult to read. This is exactly what they did a few years ago.
There were complaints then and I guess there will be complaints again. I rang the 0800 number to lay my complaint and was advised that they could send me a magnifying glass to enable me to read the numbers etc.
This then raises the question why did they make the print so small if they knew that people would have trouble reading it and that they would have to issue magnifying glasses?
To top this off the man I spoke to at Yellow Pages indicated that he had trouble reading the new directory.
Honestly you really have to wonder what the world is coming to when this sort of stupidity goes on.
Lake Tarawera