John Pakes (Letters, April 13) says he attended three meetings about mass housing estates at Ngongotaha. There have been two. He was probably confused about the Long Term Plan meeting, at which locals ripped into the Rotorua Lakes Council for not consulting mana whenua.
He said that respondents were, "in the main," against the proposals, and they should have had greater concern for housing families than being on time for work.
I attended the April 5 meeting, and the April 10 meeting was apparently much the same, and more than 90 per cent were against.
Against the council's decision-making processes, unsuitable land, not consulting mana whenua, anti-social outcomes, inadequate infrastructure and mass housing estates. When more intensive infilling and social housing could deliver the houses needed for 0.72 per cent annual population growth.
Mr Pakes, in my view, was confused about the Rotorua District Residents and Ratepayers (RDRR) being "vociferous in opposition".
At the April 5 meeting he and I watched [RDRR secretary] Reynold Macpherson give an unchallenged and factual summary of the two proposals, ask two landowners and a kaumatua of mana whenua to give their perspectives, before opening the meeting to local feedback - which turned out to be "vociferous opposition".
At the April 10 meeting, the audience was infuriated when officials tried to justify the council's decision-making and hammered the same points.
RDRR's Alternative Spatial Plan did not state "that Ngongotaha is ready for increased densification of housing." Repeating a lie does not make it true.
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