Several people were identified as protesters at the [Hobson's Pledge] meeting on Monday.
One found it offensive and insulting that they would come to Rotorua - "the core of Maoridom". Why? Hobson's Pledge stands for treating all citizens, whatever their ethnicity, according to their need: that includes Maori and all others regardless of their roots. Race specific legislation is not the answer. "When you label me, you negate me." (Kierkegaard)
Another protester was rightly concerned for the well-being of his children and grandchildren.
I think the majority of parents and caregivers would echo those thoughts and I think you will find quite a few educators who might also agree that the education system is far from perfect for many students.
However, the Dunedin study also informs us that a child's future ability to adjust socially, and in education, can be quite accurately predicted by the age of 3 so there is something else amiss here.