Some time ago the roundabout at the junction of Yaldhurst Rd and State Highway 1 in Christchurch was abandoned in favour of traffic lights, and just recently the same action was taken at the very busy Riccarton Rd/Deans Ave junction. A few days before Christmas, with good phasing of the lights, I observed heavy peak hour traffic flowing very steadily.
Food for thought for fixing some of Rotorua's traffic problems! But first they need to improve the timing of the green phases of our traffic lights. Old Taupo Rd and Amohau St seem to be favoured with long runs even when there are lengthy gaps between vehicles using those roads - frustrating for drivers waiting in Malfroy Rd or Ranolf St.
Right turn filters either display green when no one wants to turn, or for only a short time before changing to yellow and red (allowing only a few vehicles to go and frustrating for those waiting to turn, especially if the road is clear). I believe the only junction where the filter lights go off allowing traffic to turn right if the way is clear is at Amohau/Ranolf and then only for Ranolf drivers wanting to turn into Amohau St.
Let's finally see some action in making our traffic lights work efficiently, then think about that Te Ngae/Tarawera roundabout.