We use to wrap meat and spuds up in tin foil before we went sailing and place them under the sand in the heat in the ground, by the time we got back the food was cooked.
Shame this sort of thing will be lost.
Perth, Western Australia
International please
So we now have extra flights to Wellington (Rotorua Daily Post, March 17).
Good news for many businesspeople but we spent lots of money on an international airport - so how about getting some international flights?
We have a huge number of visitors - most arriving by bus.
How great would it be to have locals flying in and out through Rotorua Airport from other countries. Rotorua is booming.
We had Rotorua/Sydney, so how about Rotorua/Melbourne? And beyond.
Details available
Your correspondent (Letters, March 22) expresses impatience and misunderstanding.
As a resident nearby, I have been repeatedly appraised of what is happening, why, and of the expected duration. The weather, of course, has the last word. All of these details are readily available to everyone.
Perhaps it would be advisable to wait patiently before using terms like cockup. The Springfield/Otonga Rds intersection will prove to be safer for both young and old.
Distrubing council plans
A lot of Rotorua home owners might not realise the following disturbing fact because they have been busy visiting the new discount store. If we don't speak up our council will be increasing rates by a whopping 7.86per cent soon.
You should have received their glossy magazine outlining the Long-term Plan in your mailbox. I strongly suggest you read it and make yourself heard by voicing your opinion.
Do you agree with this spending-happy council racking up further borrowings on top their already huge debt?
If their plans are to go ahead, during the course of the next 10 years this increased borrowing will result in a whopping peak $269 million debt.
Should your rates be used to service this debt, or would you rather your money goes to servicing core council tasks?
Let's make a fist, join the Rotorua Ratepayers Association!