CRUCIFYING: Shopping at Easter challenges Christian values, a letter writer says. PHOTO/FILE
Jesus spoke numerous times about God's kingdom. He taught us to pray, "Your kingdom come on Earth as in heaven". But what is God's kingdom?
The answer a person gives will largely show their understanding of Christian "mission". I think many Christians have a very poor understanding of their mission.
Evangelicals have mainly seen getting people saved into the afterlife as bringing God's kingdom. Liberal Christians on the other hand, have tended to see it as making this world better.
Thus, the first lot often tend to preach love but not practice it, coming across as hypocrites.
The second lot often tend to be "do-gooders", coming across as another branch of social welfare.
Other Christians saw God's kingdom as establishing some sort of Christian theocracy or utopia on Earth (eg Church in the Middle Ages), which often ended up as some sort of hell instead.