The letter "Facts of Life" (June 1) made the claim that the evidence for evolution is so overwhelming that it is indisputable. This no doubt reflects the general level of public discourse on the matter, but it has no relation to what is happening in the real world.
The writer seems blissfully unaware of the desperate battle being fought at the forefront of the sciences by the last "hold-outs" of the theory of evolution, and the growing number of proponents of intelligent design.
Serious academic heavyweights such as biochemist Dr Michael Behe, astrophysicist Dr Hugh Ross, and geophysicist Dr Stephen Meyer have taken the fight to their naturalistic counterparts and demonstrated the overwhelming "appearance of design" from the farthest reaches of the cosmos, down to the tiniest aspects of nano-biology.
Furthermore, with each new scientific discovery, our understanding of the utterly mind-bending complexity of nature grows, and the odds against it all having happened by chance grow exponentially.
People love to posit cogent arguments for a purely naturalistic explanation for the origin of the universe.