Why does this council always want to undo everything that has been done?
The fully covered square in the centre of town that provided shade and seating and a community office and no through traffic is gone. Now we have seats in full sun and four-way traffic that never seems to know who to give way to.
Cycle lanes built with not very much of our money and with not very much thought into them. It should have gone straight through on Haupapa St from the police station to Kuirau Park and not in and out of our main streets and having to criss-cross all the roads.
Now the council wants to get rid of these and put in more three-lane parking streets which really are a pain to drive down especially as many people drive larger vehicles that are very difficult to navigate through these narrow streets.
Don't you realise e-bikes are now the best-selling bikes and these are just the bikes that we will want to come to town on for breakfast or lunch and now you are saying we don't want these in town as you want more parking for all the empty shops.