Rotorua's skate park could be in for a major revamp, if money is found - but from where? PHOTO/FILE 150317bf8.JPG
I was appalled to read (Rotorua Daily Post, March 16) the Rotorua Lakes Council plans to spend up to $4 million on a skate park, after assuring ratepayers that there would be tight controls on council spending.
Are ratepayers going to benefit from this ridiculous waste of money? I doubt it. If $4m has been found from somewhere, not gleaned from the bottomless ratepayer pit, why not put it towards the $5m insurance excess required for the strengthening of the museum?
This, at least, would contribute to the revenue-earning arm of council. Why not pay down some of our huge debt? Why not put it aside towards the new sewage scheme?
It would seem that council's excessive spending is rampant and ill advised.