If we don't communicate we are accused of hiding information - and if we do as we have via Tatau Tatau some people question the cost.
The Rotorua Residents and Ratepayers Association members who are prolific letter writers can't be happy souls because in my opinion they are always trying to find fault. Their agenda is clear and many people I meet at many public functions often comment about the letter writers, and what in their opinion is negativity from the RDRRs.
The feedback I've had is that the booklet seems to be a factual account and is based on the auditor-general's clean bill of health for the long-term plan.
So the auditor-general is pleased nothing is hidden, invented, is pure conjecture, a good news propaganda document or a glossy interpretation of that 10-year plan.
I'm also pleased council does engage on its website under the korero mai section.