In March of this year, international rating agency Fitch issued a "AA-, outlook stable" rating report for the Rotorua Lakes Council, using comments such as "the council's improving fiscal performance, strong management and sound socio-economic profile" to support its findings.
Fitch described Rotorua's positive rating factor as being the result of "transparent reporting and financial disclosure, strong controls and supervision". Rotorua's debt/current revenue ratio is "high compared to that of its international AA peers, but is supported by council's adequate financial flexibility, including predictable revenue and access to local government funding".
And then I read from Tracey McLeod in the Rotorua Daily Post (Letters, November 2) that our council are like "children being let loose with their parent's credit card", she describes our council as being "naughty disobedient children" and that we should all "scold them for their idiotic actions". Comments that can best be described as juvenile and facetious in my view.
I think that it is much more safe to rely on the analysis of Fitch, rather than that of Tracey McLeod and others like her who are frequent knockers of anything Rotorua does. They seldom find anything good about council expenditure, such that I am starting to believe that their vision for Rotorua cannot extend beyond the likes of drainage systems and manhole covers.