On Thursday July 5, the Rotorua Lakes Council heard that it had run up another $20,910,000 in debt in the past year to take the total from $168,750,000 to $189,660,000m.
It plans to increase debt over the next five years to reach $269 million by adding about $16m a year.
The financial strategy is clear – spend up large and leave it for the next lot.
The problem is endemic. The Federated Farmers' Rates Report (2017) showed that the CPI rose by 21 per cent between 2007 and 2017, the Local Government Costs Index rose by 29 per cent, and local authority rates and charges rose by 71 per cent.
The problem will get worse. The Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Bill will expand the role of local government "to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities", give territorial authorities power to collect development contributions for any public amenities needed because of development, and modify the development contributions powers.