We would like to clarify for your readers and followers that Rotorua Lakes Council is not proposing to meter water in the urban water supply area.
Your article of Tuesday 16 May "Plan to charge drop by drop" appears to have led some people to believe that the council is proposing water metering across the district.
This is incorrect. In fact, the one amendment to the bylaw which is proposed is the removal of a rule requiring metering of all new residential subdivisions in the urban supply area. It is proposed this be removed because a) it has never been enforced and b) it goes against current council policy to not meter the urban water supply area.
This was not explained in your article which focussed on a submission in which the submitter stated he would like to see water metering introduced across the district as a way to reduce water use.
A headline on your website "Metered water proposal to be discussed by council - Residents could begin paying for water if the council considers a metered water proposal" has, in our view, reinforced the confusion.