We get one chance every three years to improve local elections. On August 3 council's O&M committee considered an expert report on First Past the Post (FPP) and Single Transferable Vote (STV) systems.
On August 10 the SP&F committee voted 7-5 not to switch from FPP to STV. This will almost certainly be confirmed by the council on August 24. Why?
In brief, councillors Dave Donaldson, Charles Sturt and Rob Kent reject STV because it will not improve voter turnout, although neither system improves turnout.
Mr Sturt rejects STV because it might favour bloc voting, although neither independent nor bloc voting are advantaged by either system.
Mr Kent rejects Parliament's reasons for making STV compulsory in DHB elections; it is fairer and gets better representation. Mr Donaldson and Mark Gould reject STV because it confuses them. Tania Tapsell and Merepeka Raukawa-Tait and LCB chairman Phill Thomass gave no reasons for rejecting STV.