Reading the Rotorua Daily Post which featured a story (News, June 14) detailing how consented work in Rotorua has soared to $56 million, which represents more than a $20 million increase from the same period last year in my view shows just how much confidence the business community has in
Letters: Consents' value prove Rotorua's not that bad
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More consents means more jobs, says a reader. Photo / File
Packed at the village
A lovely autumnal day at the Buried Village, it was packed.
The sun was warm, and the food abundant - even a barbecue.
Old friends there and many happy children, a perfect day.
I was about to say it is a shame that more people do not go there, but cars were parked a quarter of a mile up both sides and the car park full to overflowing.
We are indeed fortunate to have this poignant and beautiful place on our doorsteps - an uncomfortable feeling for me - my father, born in Wellington, would have been six years old when Tawawera blew her top.
Jim Adams
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