Screenings are 2pm on May 12 and 5.30pm on May 16. The complexities and challenges are near identical to the Bath House building Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa.
The community needs to be commended for its patience. The funding of a project of this magnitude and national significance is from many sources, which takes time and perseverance.
The community needs to take comfort the building will be restored to its former glory and the doors will open in 2021 for visitors from throughout the world to again appreciate and enjoy. Stay positive Rotorua. Kia kaha.
Lyall Thurston
Chairman, Rotorua Museum Centennial Trust
No place like London
This past weekend you published an article by Leo Kearse (Opinion, May 4) in which he heavily criticised London. It was sheer balderdash, in my view.
I knew London probably as well as any person. I worked on Fleet Street, and, as a reporter, I knew London by its pubs - the best guide you can get.
I last visited London this January, for two weeks, staying at my son's place in King's Cross.
Yes, London has changed, but if you know where to go then it is still the finest place in the world for food, by far the best for entertainment, and (if you know where to go) the friendliest and most helpful city in the world.
Yes, the prices are high, so they are in Sydney and Auckland - even Rotorua has its share of over-the-top prices.
London traders pay very high rents and rates, rates that go to subsidise the influx of refugees and pay for the wear and tear people cause.
It runs the finest underground, the best bus service and, if you use them, London cabbies are the best.
I don't know your connection with London so I can't imagine what has left you so bitter, but if anyone is looking for culture, fine eating and time-worn architecture and history then there is no better place in the world than London.
Jim Adams
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