Thank you for recent articles highlighting groups supporting Rotorua's growing homeless population.
Yet what, in terms of practical and immediate support, are Rotorua Lakes Council and central Government (i.e MP Todd McClay) doing to alleviate this appalling, and indeed Third World situation in boomng and prosperous Rotorua?
Newly elected mayor Steve Chadwick is encouraging upper middle class Aucklanders to buy in Rotorua, ignoring the fact that our town has unprecedented numbers of homeless citizens, including families with children, living in cars, garages and even sleeping rough.
I commend Love Soup, which carries out its support for the homeless largely from its own pockets. What a shameful indictment upon local and central government. In my view a large motel should be purchased for homeless famiies, with joint funding from iwi, local and central government. Funding support should then be allocated to Love Soup to manage the motel, and co-odinate support for homeless families into independent living.
With hype about Rotorua's booming economy and tourism figures, in my opinion Rotorua Lakes Council and Todd McClay are turning a blind eye upon the most vulnerable and marginalised in our community - including the elderly and young children.