To immigrate to another country is not easy. You leave friends, sometimes all your family, all you were used to and loved, to start all over again in a new country. It is also very costly. And then it takes time to get used to and learn to know all the new systems and sayings that differ, just to mention a couple of things. In short, immigration is not for everyone.
But I want to thank our mayor, Steve Chadwick, for the way in which she conducted our citizenship ceremony (August 2). I know that this was not her first ceremony, in fact, there must have been quite a lot of them since she became mayor. She made us all feel really special. She was warm and welcoming and we experienced such sincerity in her voice and in what she was saying. I am sure I am speaking on behalf of all the 27 new citizens of last week. It was quite a moving experience and absolutely amazing to hear all the stories of the immigrants.
Also, to Isabel who organised all, thanks for being so welcoming to us. Even all the councillors who attended looked as if they were enjoying it to have us as new citizens!
In short, thanks Steve Chadwick, for making us feel as if you need us with our skills in Rotorua! We will always remember this special day and treasure it in our hearts!