It was with interest that I read Rod Petterson's thoughts on a drug-free tenancy clause being included in the agreement of rental properties (Letters, November 1).
As landlords my husband and I provide properties that are of a high standard and tick all the boxes for people to live in. This doesn't come without a cost and one would like to think that if you rent a property then you treat it with care and look after it while you are living there. After all it is your home, you have been entrusted to take care of it.
We as landlords are expected to present and rent out houses in good condition, but there seems to be a mental block for some in how they actually treat a property while they are tenants.
With all the new laws that landlords are expected to adhere to there should also be a rethink in what tenants are expected to do. We trust that people who consider themselves to be adults will do the decent thing. This is not always the case.
So with the shortage of rental properties in many areas landlords need to make sure they set the standard of what they expect and don't feel guilty for doing so. Being drug-free and willing to be tested should go without saying in this climate.