Our daughter obviously isn't a baby who needs her food mashed, but even eating unsupervised while not seated properly can be dangerous for anyone.
From this week early childhood centres are having to stick to strict new laws when it comes to feeding children.
Some parents and centres are up in arms, claiming people are having to be "food police" and saying the new rules have gone too far.
I've heard people say children need to learn how to eat properly at some stage and it's a shame they were being wrapped in cotton wool.
While all of this might seem true on the face of it, the argument really is simple. Experts have said certain foods are dangerous for certain age groups.
If you think your child is exempt from that and can handle those foods, that's your choice as a parent. It's not something you should put on early childhood staff to manage.
I've seen first-time parents of young children feeding their children in public completely oblivious as to what is safe. It sends shivers down my spine when I saw them grabbing large grapes or cheerios and trying to negotiate them.
It takes all your strength not to interfere and start spouting off like a know-it-all. Are they aware and are they confident in their children's abilities or are they just ignorant?
Early childhood centre staff no longer have to hover and hope. They can serve what is safe, supervise and confidently know they are doing what's best for the children.