What would you pay someone to do if you were filthy rich?
Not just Deutz instead of Lindauer rich, but (as Lorde puts it) "Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece. Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash".
For me the first thing that springs to mind is packing.
We all love holidays so you'd think packing should be fun - part of the anticipation and build-up. But no. I'm not one of those organised packers, who lays things out a week beforehand then doesn't wear anything they might want to take to ensure it's clean. It's probably not such a big deal in this age of clothes dryers but as a kid I remember having to wear my ugliest clothes for days leading up to a holiday - thanks, Mum.
Instead, the night or hour before leaving, I'll pull everything out of the wardrobe, drawers and floor and attempt to stuff it all in a case. Then realise my favourite dress is in the laundry hamper, doesn't pass the sniff test and, oh fudge,there's no time to wash and dry it.