Rotorua Museum needs millions of dollars worth of restructuring before it can be re-open.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Nā te mea kai te paepae o Te Pukenga Koeke o Te Whare Taonga o Te Arawa a Ngaroimata Mihinui, kua tae tēnei ruruhi o tātau ki ngā hui nui e rua i ngā rangi ko pahemo.Ko te hui tuatahi i tū ki te whare whakaari o Tā Morihana.
Ko te hui tuarua i tū ki Tamatekapua.Ka tukuna e ia tana pōti ki te whiringa A i te korenga o ētehi atu whiringa papai.
Ko te whiringa B me te C he kupu kau.Kāore e take ana. Ko te wāhanga B, e titiro nā ki te hangahanga whare hou engari nā te teitei o te nama ka kore pea e tahuri te moni ki tēnei whakaaro. Ko te wāhanga C, he rapu huarahi hou mō te Muheama.
Ki te hui i tū ki Tamatekapua ka whakaputaina e Paul Tapsell he wāhanga tapiri ki ēnei wāhanga e toru. He whenua nōna kai Rotohokahoka e takoto ana. E tika ana hoki mō te whakatu whare hou.
E ai ki te tiamana o te hui ki a Ken Raureti ka nui te hiahia o te hapori ki te whakatu Muheama hou, engari ko te titiro ki whenua kē atu, kāhore ano ki a uru mai taua whakaaro ki ngā kanohi o te hunga whakahaere.
E ai ki a Wāhanga A. Kia whāia rawatia te whakaaro nei e tatau mai i te tau 2018-2028.Koia te pae tawhiti, ko te āta whakatikatika me te āta whakahou i te Muheama te puku o tēnei rautaki.
E titiro wehi ana te hunga ki te nama whakamutunga tērā pea ka eke ki te takiwā e waru tekau mā tahi ira whā miriona tāra. Kua piki noa atu i te whika tuatahi, ara e rima tekau mā toru ira rima miriona tāra.
He moni pau i ngā poupou whakakaha i te angaanga o te Muheama.He kotahi rau, kotahi tekau mā rima tau te rahi o te Muheama. E tika ana te tūāpapa o te whare, he pōwhatu turuki.
Ko te raruraru kē ko te katea ko te oneone ngāwari e takoto paepae ana i raro i te tūāpapa turuki, ka rua, ko te mauri o ngā waiariki me ngā ngāwhā.Tāpirihia ngā tini whakarākeitanga o ngā tau tawhito, ina hoki te take e peruperu ana ngā kanohi o te iwi.
E tīoioi nei ngā hope o te Muheama. I tana whakatakotoranga ki te hāpori he kauhau kawe nā Stewart Brown te tumu toi me te ahurea o te kaunihera o Rotorua.
One of the most photographed buildings in New Zealand, the Rotorua Museum needs millions of dollars worth of restructuring before it can be re-opened to the public.
Kua puta kē te whakatau kia whakarauorangia te Muheama nā te mea e rēhitangia ana tēnei whare tawhito hai whare taonga tuku iho. Koia nei tētehi o ngā tino whare o te tāone otīā te motu katoa.
Kua whakaahuangia kahatia tēnei whare.E ai hoki ki nga tataunga i mua o te katinga o ngā tatau o te Muheama i te tau e rua mano kotahi tekau mā ono, ka tata ki te kotahi rau, e rua tekau mano te tokomaha o te manuwhiri i takahia i tōna paepae.I te tau e rua mano,kotahi tekau mā ono, te kotahi tekau mā wha o Nōema ka toko ake te whakaaro ki te kaunihera ki a mātaihia te kaha o te tinana o te Muheama, nā wai rā ka pakaru ōna turi i te rūwhenua o Kaikoura.
Ka hipa te rua o ngā rangi whai muri i te rū o Kaikoura ka katia ngā tatau.Herea rawatia ki te whītau pakari.
Ko te whenua e tu nei te Muheama, he whenua tuturu nō Ngāti Whakaue.
I kohangia ki te Kawanatanga i ngā rau tau onamata. I te tau e rua mano, kotahi tekau mā whitu ka puta te whakatau ka whakatahangia he pūtea e rima rau mano tāra hai whakapakari i te angaanga o te Muheama, mā DSA te mahi nui e kawe, wheoi anō ka pau te kotahi tau, ka puta he pūtea tapiri, ā, nā wai rā ka tahuri te kamupene ki te whakarākei i ā rātau rautaki.
Kai te puku o te kaunihera i tēnei tau tonu e hoa mā kua whakamanangia e rima tekau mā toru ira rima mirona tāra hai pūtea motuhake ki te Muheama. He kotahi tekau ma rima ira rima miriona ka taka iho i ngā ringaringa o te Kaunihera. Ko te toenga ka taka iho i enei whare:
Ki te hui nui i tū ki te tiati whakahirahira o Tā Morihana ka mātika a Jo-Anne La Gouw me tāna ki te whakaminenga, kāore he paku aha ki a ia ki te hoko atu i tana whakaahua Goldie hai awhina i te wāhanga A i kōrerongia i runga ake nā.
I te tau e rua mano, e rua tekau mā tahi ka whakaaro ake te hunga whakahaere o tēnei kaupapa ka ea tēnei mahi nui i te rima tekau mā toru ira rima miriona tāra, ka pau ngā rangi nā wai rā ka āta piki te nama ki te waru tekau mā tahi ira whā miriona tāra.
Ko tētehi peka o te nama ko te whakatupu i te taha o te whakakitenga mahi toi. Kai te takiwā o te kotahi ngāhuru miriona tāra te nama, kua mana te whā ira rima miriona tāra.Ko te take i tu ai enei hui he whakakanohi i te nui o te kaupapa ki te hapori.
Wheoi anō ki te whakamana i te kaupapa nei, ka oti pea te whakarauora o te Muheama hai te tau e rua mano, e rua tekau mā rima te tau.Ka whakapuarengia te Muheama pea ā te tau whai muri ake. Engari me mana te tahua pūtea katoa i mua i te mutunga o tēnei marama.
E ai hoki ki a Tina Ngatai he māngai mō Pukeroa-Oruawhata, he mōhio hoki nōna ka timatangia te mahi ka piki te nama ki te kōmata o te rangi, koia te āhuatanga o tēnei mea te hangahanga whare.E ai hoki ki a Tina, nō te wā i timatangia ai rātau te kaupapa o Wai Ariki Spa ka piki te nui o te nama tōna rua tekau mā rima paiheneti.
Wheoi anō ko Wai Ariki me te pāka whakamiharo ki Peka he mana nui enei kaupapa katoa e mana ai te puku o Rotorua. Kua tukuna e te Regional Strategic Partnership Fund he pūtea taurewa e ono miriona tāra ki te pūtea e rua tekau ira toru miriona tāra o Peka Trust development.
Ko te whakaaro matua ka whakahuringia tētehi whenua e kotahi tekau mā toru heketia te rahi hai pāka whakangāhau, ka wāwāhingia kia kotahi tekau mā ono ngā wāhi wātea ā te tau e rua mano, e rua tekau mā whā. Kai te pae tawhiti hoki te hiahia ki te whakatupu tētehi wāhi e whā tekau heketia te rahi ā ngā tau e rima e haere ake nei.
E mahi ngātahi ana a te tarata o Peka me te kaunihera o Rotorua ki te whakatutuki ngā moemoeā e whakatūwhera ai tētehi wāhi whenua e rua tekau mā rima heketia te rahi hei whenua whakatu whare. Me te kupu whakamana hoki a te Kaunihera o Rotorua ka whakawhānuingia e ia tōna mana tuku wai me te mana hao para ki ēnei whenua katoa.
As a member of Te Pukenga Koeke O Te Whare Taonga O Te Arawa I have attended two meetings on the future of our museum.
The first was at the Sir Howard Morrison Centre and the second at Tamatekapua.
I voted for Option A because there were no others. Although we were offered Options B and C, they were merely words on paper. Option B was for staged rebuilding but was unlikely to attract funding.
At Tamatekapua former museum curator Paul Tapsell offered a fourth path — his whanau have land at Rotohokahoka which he said would be suitable for a purpose-built building.
Hui chairman Ken Raureti said many of Te Arawa had moemoea of a purpose-built museum but that was not on the current agenda.
Option A was to follow the 2018-2028 Long-term plan decision to continue to fully restore the building and reopen as a museum.
The cost: $81.4 million or about $28m more than the current project funding of $53.5m.
Strengthening the building will be a complex undertaking.
The 115-year-old wooden frame sits on unreinforced, weak pumice masonry wall on highly corrosive, unstable geothermally heated ground. Add to that, many alterations have been made over the decades.
In his presentation, Stewart Brown, the Rotorua Lakes Council arts and culture director, said the council was required to restore the iconic Bath House because it was a Heritage 1-listed building.
It is one of the most photographed buildings in the country and before it was closed in November 2016 hosted more than 120,000 visitors a year.
The council was in the process of performing a Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA) of the building when the 7.8 magnitude Kaikoura earthquake struck on November 14, 2016, and caused more cracks. The building was closed two days later.
It stands in the Government Gardens on land gifted by Ngati Whakaue.
The Rotorua Museum.
The strengthening project was allocated $500k in 2017 to complete the DSA but in 2018 sufficient funding became available to continue to detailed design.
So far, $53.5m has been secured. Council had committed to provide $15.5m with the balance of $38m coming from
■ $17m Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) (Kanoa)
■ $10m Rotorua Trust
■ $6m Lotteries Grants Board
■ $5m Manatu Taonga Minister Culture and Heritage
At the Sir Howard Morrison Centre presentation, a member of the audience, Jo-Anne La Grouw, said her family would sell a Goldie painting to help meet any shortfall in Option A. In 2021 it was expected $53.5m would be enough for the work but further investigation showed it would be $81.4m.
Part of the cost of reopening Te Whare Taonga O Te Arawa as a museum was the development of exhibits. About $10m is estimated for exhibition costs of which $4.5m has been found.
These meetings were held because it was five years since the council consulted the community about the museum.
Feedback from the latest consultation closed on Wednesday.
If the project goes ahead building restoration may be completed in late 2025 and Te Whare Taonga O Te Arawa could re-open in early 2026, provided all funding is secured before the end of this month and there are no delays during construction.
At the Tamatekapua meeting, Tina Ngatai of Pukeroa-Oruawhata, said starting work as soon as possible was a no-brainer because building costs would just shoot up.
Tina said that was what Pukeroa found when building the Wai Ariki Spa, costs escalated about 25 per cent because of the Covid lockdowns and the difficulty of obtaining materials when required.
The Spa down on the Lakefront is a welcome addition to facilities in our town and is sure to draw visitors in the years to come.
Another big change on the Rotorua landscape is the opening up of a huge industrial park at Peka on the road to Atiamuri.
The Regional Strategic Partnership Fund has allocated a $6 million loan to the $20.3 million Peka Trust development.
Initially 13ha will be turned into an industrial park with 16 lots available from mid-2024. There are plans to develop a total of 40 hectares over the next 5 years.
The Peka Trust development aligns with the Rotorua Lakes Council’s 2021 to 2031 Long Term Plan which has initiatives for partnering with iwi and landowners to establish 25 hectares of new industrial business parks and unlocking residential land within the city.
The Rotorua Lakes Council has committed to extending its water and wastewater network to unlock this zoned land.