Ohinemutu Village with Mokoia Island in the distance in Rotorua. Te Makawe looks over this space.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
Click here for English translation Ko te atawhaitanga o ngā uri o Ngāti Whakaue tangata i tana whānautanga mai, ā, tae noa ki tana tupapakutanga hai tūāpapa e whakahirahira ai Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue.
Inā kē te huhua o ōna kawekawe, he hauora tētehi, he tiaki wairua tētehi , me te aha noa atu, engari ko te pou-tokomanawa ake ko te oranga tonutanga o Ngāti Whakaue.
I whakatōngia te kakano o Te Taumata e rua tekau ngā tau kua pahemo atu. Ko ngā kākātarahae tātari i te kaupapa ko ngā tino rangatira o tāua taimā ko ngā tangata pēnei i a Manu Bennet rātou ko Pihopa Kingi, ko Ben Morrison, ko Tutanekai Kinita, ko Mitai Rolleston,ko Rawiri Rangitauira, ko Bubbles Mihinui, ko Hapi Winiata me ētehi atu o te whakareanga taipakeke.
Ko te pupuritanga i te mana o te paepae whaikōrero o Ngāti Whakaue tētehi kaupapa matua.
Nā Pihopa Kingi te kī, " Tiakina te ahi kā" i tētehi o aku wānanga. Nā tēnā kōrero hohonu āna ka whakaarahia e te Pōari te kaupapa, Ngāti Whakaue Life Cycle , he kaupapa nā Roana Bennett i whakahoungia.
Ko te orokohanga mai o te paepae wānanga tētehi kaupapa i āta whakaritea e Ngāti Whakaue i roto hoki i ngā māhere hāpai i te pae tawhiti o te whare whaikōrero o Ngāti Whakaue, ā, ko Mitai Rolleston me Pihopa Kingi ngā uho pakari o tēnei whare wānanga.
Scenes from Te Taumata o Ngati Whakaue Kura Reo for Education workers called Kura Whakamana at Te Puia last week. Photo / Darnel Eparaima-Gotz
Keketu kau ana te paepae whaikōrero o Ngāti Whakaue ka whakamomori te ngākau o ētehi i te mimititanga o te mana o Whakaue waha kōrero. Ka hua ake te whakaaro mātua kia whakapakarihia te pae kōrero ki tētehi tangata nō ia hapū o Ngāti Whakaue. Ko te tikanga mā Te Taumata tēnei kaupapa e whakaū. Ko te paepae wānanga tētehi kaupapa nui hai whakahikihiki i te ngākau o te whānau ki a kotahi mai.
Hāunga i ngā kaupapa huhua e whakahaerehia ana e Ngāti Whakaue mātua koia kē te mea nui whakaharahara. Kai te arotakengia tonutia tēnei wānanga kia rite ki tā Whakaue i kīa ai, kia toru ngohi tana hohonutanga.
Tērā anō tētehi pou-tokomana kai te kaha puritia e Te Taumata ko te whakaaratanga o tōna ake whare wānanga me te puna mātauranga ake o Ngāti Whakaue.
Ko te mātauranga te kaupapa. Ko Te Puna Manawa o Whakaue kai te rekereke o Te Taumata. Ki te Early Childhood Education (ECE) – Puna reo te mātauranga o Ngāti Whakaue hai kai mō ngā tamariki nohinohi. Koina nei ētehi o ngā poupou.
Kōkiri Alternative Education Centre: Kai te tautokongia e Ngāti Whakaue ngā rangatahi e takahi nei i te ara pāhekeheke ā kura kia hōkia rātou ki te mātauranga ki te whakapakari i ngā pūkenga ki te kimi mahi rānei. House of Science: Kai te kaha tautokongia te mātauranga pūtaiao kia noho kaupapa nui ki te puku o ngā kura.
He kaha kē nō mātou ki te tuku i ngā pouaka mātauranga pūtaiao reo pākehā mai, reo māori mai hoki.
Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori: Ko te whakaū me te whakawhanake i tō tātou reo māori kia noho mana taurite ia. Ka mana tēnei kaupapa i ngā karaehe reo me te kura whakamanawa. Cultural PLD (Professional Learning Development): Nā te mea kua whakamanahia tātou hei whare PLD ka awhinatia ngā kura me ngā kura māhita ki te whakatō, ki te whakaū i a mātou kōrero tuku iho, i a mātou pū- rākau me te hītōria ki te marautanga i ngā noho marae PLD.
Ko Ngāti Whakaue whakakāinga tangata.
Mā Mangatakitahi Housing First e hono atu ai a Ngāti Whakaue ki a Lifewise me Airedale Property hai awhina i te hunga kore kāinga, ka tākaia hoki rātou ki te aroha nui me te mātauranga kia pupuri whare ai rātou. He wāhanga whare pūroku, he wāhanga whakatere hoki mo te hunga mānaha.
Ko Whakanuia tētehi kaupapa rangatira hoki. Nānā ngā tini huruhuru o Whakaue i whakakao mai ki a kotahi te tū ki tōna marae nui whakahirahira. He whakanui i te haka me ngā titonga hou, ngā waiata tawhito, te karanga, te whaikōrero me ngā hua hou katoa o te whare tapere.
Te Taumata o Ngati Whakaue runs a Kura Reo for Education workers called Kura Whakamanawa Photo / Darnel Eparaima-Gotz
Kai te kaha karangatia a Ngāti Whakaue e te hāpori nui o Rotorua me he kawanga whare te kaupapa , me he pōwhiri i te manuwhiri i ia wiki, i ia wiki waihoki ngā kaupapa rau ka tu ki Paepaehakumanu ka puta a Ngāti Whakaue. Ko Ngāti Whakaue te māngai atawhai, te ringa manaaki i ngā whakahoutanga whare katoa ā rohe.
Ko Ngāti Whakaue hoki te whakaruruhau o ēnei huinga rōpū. Ko Te Aka Mauri rātou ko SHMPAC, ko te DHB, ko te kaunihera, ngā kura, Te Waiariki me Nationwide. Nā Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Te Rangihakahaka Kura hourua ka puta ko Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru (NPeW) he kura hourua tēnei
I whakahuringia te kaupapa kura hourua i te wā o te rōpū tōrangapū reipa, ā, kai waho o Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue ināianei a Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru e tū ana.
He whare motuhenga whai mana rāua he ahakoa pea ki taku mōhiohio kua pirorehe te hā o Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru.
- Na Raimona Inia i whakamaori tenei karere
Caring for their uri from the cradle to the grave is the foundation upon which Te Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue is built.
It covers all facets of life and accordingly, Te Taumata has a wide portfolio of support. All of its mahi is focused on Whakauetanga.
The seeds for Te Taumata were sown about 20 years ago, following wide-ranging discussions involving Manu Bennett, Pihopa Kingi, Ben Morrison, Tutanekai Kinita, Mitai Rolleston, Rawiri Rangitauira, Bubbles Mihinui, Hapi Winiata and others talking with the next generation.
Paepae Wananga, ensuring the integrity and the succession of the paepae is integral to the kaupapa.
Looking over to Ohinemutu Village from the Pukeroa Oruawhata Hill in Rotorua with Mokoia Island in the distance Photo / Rawinia Phillips Smith
Pihopa Kingi initially made the statement "It was about Ahi Kaa" during one of the many wananga/hui held. From that statement, the board developed the Ngati Whakaue Life Cycle which was eventually updated by Roana Bennett.
The flagship Paepae Wānanga series was our Ngati Whakaue Succession plan and centred around Mitai Rolleston and Pihopa Kingi.
Our paepae were diminishing in numbers and they were very concerned about paepae capability, and the mana of Ngāti Whakaue. The initial vision put forward was to have every whanau group within Ngati Whakaue represented on the paepae, and the Taumata was tasked to implement that. The Paepae Wananga was the conduit to encouraging the whanau to put someone forward.
It was arguably the most important learning development programme for Ngati Whakaue. Te Taumata are currently undertaking a review of the paepae wānanga to ensure it still meets iwi aspirations of a paepae "three rows deep".
Ensuring our tamariki have an education centred on Ngati Whakaue is another central pou of Te Taumata.
In the education sector, Te Taumata has Te Puna Manawa o Whakaue. The bilingual Early Childhood Education (ECE) Puna Reo offers a Whakaue centric curriculum for our tamariki three years and above.
Te Taumata o Ngati Whakaue runs a Kura Reo for Education workers called Kura Whakamanawa. Photo / Darnel Eparaima-Gotz
• Kōkiri Alternative Education Centre: Ngati Whakaue support our rangatahi at risk of disengaging from education to transition back in to school, further training or employment.
• House of Science: Supports the sciences in our schools and kura by distributing science kits to for use in our schools and classrooms. These are available in both English and te reo Māori
• Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori: Supporting the development of te reo Māori capability across the education settings through weekly classes and kura whakamanawa
• Cultural PLD (Professional Learning Development) for schools.
As an accredited PLD provider we support schools and teachers to imbed our cultural narratives, stories and histories in to the curriculum through marae-based PLD.
Ngati Whakaue are also active in housing.
Through Mangatakitahi Housing First Ngati Whakaue work in partnership with Lifewise and Airedale Property to support whānau into accommodation and provide wrap-around support to enable them to sustain their tenancy.
We also provide emergency housing and navigation support for our mānaha (homeless).
An important kaupapa is the Ngati Whakaue Whakanuia which brought all the Ngati Whakaue Marae together for one day to participate and celebrate kapa haka, focusing on new waiata, waiata tawhito, karanga, whaikorero, and other performing arts.
Ngati Whakaue are called on in almost all community events within the Rotorua Township and wider whether it be "blessing of buildings", Pohiri on the marae on a weekly basis, and at most events happening at the Energy Events Centre.
We are advisors to all the significant building renovations in the rohe.
Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru was established out of Te Taumata O Ngati Whakaue. (NPeW) Te Rangihakahaka - Kura Hourua. Charter School model changed under Labour Government and now stands outside of Te Taumata O Ngati Whakaue.
Both are now separate legal entities although I think NPeW is now not operating.
Ngati Whakaue Whakanuia - An important kaupapa that brought all the Ngati Whakaue Marae together for 1 day to participate and celebrate kapa haka, focusing on newly composed waiata, Waiata tawhito, karanga, whaikorero, etc.
Ngati Whakaue are called on in almost all community events within the Rotorua Township and wider whether it be "blessing of buildings", Pohiri on the marae on a weekly basis and most events happening at the Energy Events Centre and other town buildings.
Ngati Whakaue are advisors to all the significant building renovations happening such as at Te Aka Mauri, SHMPAC, DHB, Council, Schools, Waiariki, and in other parts of the country.