He poari tūhonohono i ngā iwi Māori kua tūwheratia e Te Arawa
Kua tohua e Te Tira Haere ā Pūhaorangi te hunga ka noho ki Te Poari Tūhono ā Iwi o Te Arawa (IMPB).
Kua arahina te poari hou nei e Te Arawa – Mai Maketū ki Tongariro – hei whakakaha i ngā herenga Tiriti me te whakamana i ngā iwi mā roto mai i ōna tikanga ake hei oranga anō mō ōna hapū.I tohua a Ngahihi-o-te-ra Bidois rātou ko Jenny Kaka-Scott, ko Lauren James, ko Tākuta Grace Malcolm, ko Aroha Morgan, ko Lana Ngawhika, ko John Porima, ko Mapihi Raharuhi, ko Kirsten Rei, ko Rutu Swinton, ko Minita Hone Te Rire.
E ai tā Aroha Morgan, te heamana takirua a TTHAP, ko tā te poari mahi he kohikohi ake i ngā kōrero me ngā whakaaro ā ngā whānau, ā ngā hapū me ngā iwi, ā, he aha hoki ā rātou hiahia, ā rātou wero, ka mutu, a rātou wawata nui mō te hauora.
"Me whakahoki kōrero te katoa o ngā poari tūhonohono ā iwi ki ōna hapori, ā, he pērā ka tika mā Te Arawa. Ko ngā iwi me ngā hapū ēnei o Te Arawa, a ngāi Māori anō ki tō mātou rohe me Te Tira Haere ā Pūhaorangi. Me kōtahi te iwi e tutuki ai ngā whāinga whakatiketike i te ora, koirā te tūāpapa o te kaupapa.
"Ko te noho a Te Arawa ki te tēpū nui me te mahi tahi te whāinga. Ehara ēnei tūru tekau mā tahi a Te Arawa mō te noho noa iho.
"Ko tā tēnei poari me whai ko ngā reo me ngā mana o Te Arawa hei whakatutuki i ngā whāinga tiketike e hiahia ana e tēnā, e tēnā." I whakatūria a Te Tira Haere ā Pūhaorangi i te Hepetema 2021 e Te Rōpū Hauora o Te Arawa, e ngā ratonga hauora Māori me ētahi atu rōpū hauora mō te whakatū i Te Poari Tūhono ā Iwi o Te Arawa te take.
I whakaae a Te Arawa ki te hanga whakareanga-rua hei kawe anō i te tikanga whakakotahi i ngā iwi, i tō rātou ahunga kia tutuki ai i te mana taurite ā hauora Māori nei. Ko tā te whakareanga-rua nei anō, he whakamana i ngā mahi ka kawea e Te Poari Tūhono ā Iwi o Te Arawa.
Ā, he whakatiketike ake nei i ngā reo ā ngā whānau, ā ngā hapū, ā ngā iwi hoki, e ō rātou hunga kua whai mana ki tēnei poari.
"Ko tā IMPB he whai waahi atu ki te tohutohu i a Health New Zealand me te Māori Health Authority ki ōna whakahaere kāwanatanga, whakahaerenga rautaki anō hoki. Ko tāna anō, he tūhonohono i ngā mana nui nei hei whakawhanake i ngā mahere ā hapori.
"Ko tētahi o ngā tino mahi a IMPB he aromatawai i te hauora Māori ki tō mātou rohe. "Heoi anō, ko tā IMPB mahi he whakarongo ki te reo o ngā hunga, he kohikohi tatauranga, he whakarongo ki ngā kōrero tūturu me te ngako o ēnei kōrero ō rātou.
"Māmā noa te kī nei, he kotahi mano tāngata i whai nei i te kōwheori – he nama noa iho tēnei. Engari, mā te rongo kau i te take i pāngia e ngā whānau te kōwheori, kua āhei te pikitia nui me te hanga rautaki e tika ana."
Hei tā Aroha anō, ko tā Te Poari Tūhono ā Iwi o Te Arawa, he whakakōtahi nei i tētahi hunga whakahirahira, hunga kanorau, hunga matatini anō hoki. "Ka noho tēnei poari hei poukawe i ngā kohinga kōrero, kohinga māramatanga me te waha i ngā kōrero ā te whānau, ā te hapū, ā te iwi.
Arā ko ā rātou hiahia ēnei, ko ā rātou wero ēnei ki tēnei pūnaha hauora, me te awhero nui kia ora ai a Te Arawa huri i te rohe," tā Aroha. Nā Te Arawa anō i whakamana i te rautaki a Te Ara ki Tikitiki o te Rangi hei tūtohinga ārahi i te poari tūhonohono ā iwi nei.
Te Tira Haere ā Pūhaorangi (TTHAP) has appointed the inaugural Te Arawa Iwi Māori Partnership Board (IMPB).
The new board is led by Te Arawa – Mai Maketū ki Tongāriro – to strengthen Treaty relationships and influence the wellbeing of Tangata Whenua through practices created by Māori for Māori.
Ngahihi-o-te-ra Bidois, Jenny Kaka-Scott, Lauren James, Dr Grace Malcolm, Aroha Morgan, Lana Ngawhika, John Porima, Mapihi Raharuhi, Kirsten Rei, Rutu Swinton, and Rev Hone Te Rire were selected from an exceptional pool of candidates.
TTHAP co-chair, Aroha Morgan, says the IMPB has a role to gather and understand the voice of whānau, hapū and iwi regarding their needs, challenges, and aspirations for health. However, the iwi has a powerful voice and part of that is about making the IMPB accountable.
"All IMPBs report back to their communities, and that's certainly the case for the Te Arawa IMPB. It includes Te Arawa iwi and hapū, Māori within our rohe, and Te Tira Haere ā Pūhaorangi. We need to work as a tribe to get transformational change so that's where we must anchor this entire space.
"It's about Te Arawa coming to the table to work together. It isn't about 11 people holding the health space for all of Te Arawa. The board needs every single hapū and iwi in the confederation of Te Arawa tribes to help create the transformational change people are asking for."
Te Tira Haere ā Pūhaorangi was set-up in September 2021 primarily by Te Rōpū Hauora ō Te Arawa, Māori health providers and other health entities to establish the Te Arawa IMPB.
Te Arawa chose a two-tiered structure to reflect the idea that a collective approach is needed to achieve Māori health equity and to increase hapū and iwi participation in the new health environment. Aroha says the two-tier structure also enhances the functionality of Te Arawa IMPB and enables clear articulation of the voices of whānau, hapū and iwi presented by their mandated representatives.
Te Ara ki Tikitiki ō Rangi.
"The IMPB provides input and direction into Health New Zealand and the Māori Health Authority at a governance and strategic level, which includes partnering with the two authorities to develop locality plans.
"One of the key roles of the IMPB is to assess the state of hauora Māori in our rohe. "Basically, IMPBs hear the voice of the people, gather the data, the real stories, and the insights from within the stories.
"We can easily say 1000 people got Covid – that's just a number. But being able to identify the impacts Covid had on whānau, so we get the big picture and come up with a plan, is much more important.
"Aroha says the inaugural Te Arawa Iwi Māori Partnership Board comprises a broad range of influential people with diverse backgrounds and different personalities.
"The Board will be a vehicle for gathering, understanding, and advocating the voice of whānau, hapū and iwi regarding the needs and challenges for healthcare and aspirations for oranga across the Te Arawa IMPB rohe," says Aroha.
Te Arawa has sanctioned the Te Ara ki Tikitiki o te Rangi strategy as the overarching framework to lead the IMPB.
Te Ara ki Tikitiki ō Rangi and Tukua mai kia piri, Tukua mai kia tata, encapsulates the coming together of important relationships to foster and develop inclusive and meaningful strategies that will ultimately result in optimized Māori health and care services with a Māori worldview.
Te Ara ki Tikitiki o Rangi is a five-year strategy upholding the recognition and acceptance of Māori health practices and ideologies as beneficial for Māori.
The strategy endorses practices such as Tohunga and mirimiri being as important if not more so than western practices when addressing Māori health and wellbeing. The strategy acknowledges holistic wellbeing and nurturing healthy outcomes at each corner of the Whare Tapa Whā to protect the future generations. Through Te Ara ki Tikitiki ō Rangi, Te Arawa IMPB is premised on: ■ 1.Mātauranga ā iwi, ■ 2.Mātauranga ā Te Arawa.
This is the foundation for Te Arawa IMPB in terms of its rohe, membership, structure, and Tikanga whakahaere.The IMPB sits inside the whare with Te Tira Haere ā Pūhaorangi and the eight Poupou lining the Whare that beget the foundation for the wider collective and stakeholder networks.