Top appointments announced for world-class facility.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
Ko Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spas
Kua whakawhanakengia te mana o Ngāti Whakaue me tā rātau kaupapa whakahirahira ko Rotorua’s Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa’s i a Belgravia Leisure, te rangatira whakahaere o tēnei kaupapa me ōna pikitūranga hou i a Rania Sears, he uri nō Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Pikiao, Tainui, Taranaki me Miri Morrison-Hare. Ka tā Miri tūnga ko te Rangatira whakahaere taha ahurea Māori. He uri ia nō Ngāti Whakaue, Ngai Tūhoe me Ngāti Maniapoto. Ko Jeanette Haua hoki tētehi o ngā rangatira hou nei, ko tāna ko te Rangatira whakahaere mō te taha ki ngā Ngāwhā. He uri ia nō Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi me Ngāti Pūkenga.
Ko te kaupapa whakahirahira nei, ko Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa he mea nā Ngāti Whakaue i whakatupu. Nā rātau tuturu tēnei pākihi ka noho ki te puku o Pukeroa Oruawhata, māna e poipoi, māna e tiaki engari ko te taha whakahaere kai a Belgravia Leisure. He wāhi hauora tēnei e tūhono ai ngā tahataha hauora ki a kotahi mai ki te māuri o te kāinga. Ara ko te taha ki te mana o ngā waiariki me te taha ki ngā tātai korero a ngā tupuna. Ka tākaia ēnei kura nui ki te manaakitanga ki te taha rongoā me te ahurea o Ngāti Whakaue.
Ko te taha ki te whakapuaki i ngā tūnga rangatira nei ki te hāpori o te takiwā he mea nui ki a Belgravia Leisure, he ahakoa kai te pae tata te whakatuwheratanga o tēnei wāhi e tika ana ki a tino pakari te tūāpapa o tō rātou whare.
Jeanette Haua.
' Me rangatira te hunga ka noho mai hai poupou o tēnei whare nā reira i kaha tātaringia e mātau ngā tini tono, ko te mutunga iho ka hua ake ko ēnei wāhine tokotoru e tika ai ki a kawe i tēnei kaupapa hauora. Kai a Rania rātau ko Jeanette ko Miri ētehi pūkenga nui whakaharahara. He rangatira katoa ēnei wāhine’. Hai tā Mark Blake me Belgravia. ' Hai te pae tata nei whakatūwhera ai tō tātau whare hauora ki ngā manuwhiri o te ao hurihuri nā runga i tēnei e tika ana ki a tipakongia e mātau ngā ihu waka e kite ai te ao i te mana rangatira o te hau kāinga, whaihoki, ki a tika hoki ai ā mātau kawe i te kaupapa rongoā ki a noho tona tātau ki ngā ritenga a ngā tupuna. Nō te marama o Pepuere tāti ai ēnei wāhine tokotoru i a rātau mahi hou. Nō Rotorua a Rania. He wāhine mohio ki ngā nukurauhanga o te ao pākihi, he mātanga ki te kawe kaupapa nui ā tūruhi, a aha noa atu hoki. Nō te tau e rua mano, e rua tekau i hoki mai ia ki Aotearoa nei i Ahitereiria. Ko tana mahi i reira he hoko whare, ka tūtuki rangatira i a ia taua mahi nā ka tupu te hiahia ki a hoki mai ki tōna pā-kaiahi. Hai tāna, ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini’.
Kua eke noa atu a Jeanette Haua ki te takiwā o te rua tekau mā whitu o ngā tau e kawe ana i te kaupapa ngāwhā whakahirahira puta noa te ao, me te moana hoki. Ko etehi o āna wāhi mahi, kai ngā hōtera nui whakaharahara. Ko te Ritz Carlton rātau ko Ritz Carlton Reserve me Shangri-La ētehi o ngā hōtera.
Ko tana tūara mahi ā tiwhikete nei kai te ao tūruhi, hauora, whakapakari tinana, te romiromi, me te hauora ,ā, nō nā tata nei ia ka whakawhiwhia ki tana tohu haupūaroaro haohao.
Ko tō tātau manu taikō o te takere waka, ko Miri Morrison-Hare kai te takiwā o te kotahi tekau mā rima o ngā tau ia e kawe ana, e whakamana nei i a tātau te iwi taketake o tēnei whenua otīā tātau a Ngai Te Arawa ake.
He mātanga kapa haka ia, koia tonu te māreikura o te motu, he pouako kapa haka ia, whaihoki he mātanga romiromi whakarearea tangata hoki ia.
Ko te pou tokomanawa o te whare ko Belgravia Leisure, he tuahangata hoki. Kua tae kē te hau rongo o tēnei ki ngā kokonga huhua o tēnei ao hurihuri. Kua pā ona ringaringa ki ngā wāhanga huhua o tēnei kaupapa mahi.
Ko tana tino whāinga ko te tuku ki te manuwhiri tētehi āhuatanga kura ka kore e kitea i tētehi anō wāhi. Ka oti ana te manuwhiri i tā rātau noho mai, kua mātau rātau ki tēnei mea ko te manaakitanga. Ko te oranga o te tinana me te hinengaro ētehi o ngā kaupapa nui ki a ia. He ahakoa tēnei kaupapa hou te haere ake nei kua pā hoki a Belgravia Leisure ki ētehi anō wāhi whakahauora tangata. Hai kura nui, hai kura rearea, hai kura whakahiki tangata.
■Na Raimona Inia tenei purongo i whakamaoritia.
English Translation
Rotorua’s Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa’s deep connection to Ngāti Whakaue has been entrenched further with the appointment by Belgravia Leisure of general manager, Rania Sears (Ngāti Whakaue / Ngāti Pikiao / Tainui / Taranaki), and Miri Morrison-Hare (Ngāti Whakaue / Tūhoe / Ngāti Manipoto) as Cultural and Guest Experience Manager.
Jeanette Haua (Ngāti Ranginui / Ngāi Te Rangi / Ngāti Pūkenga) has been appointed as Spa Manager.
Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa, developed and owned by Pukeroa Oruawhata Group (Ngāti Whakaue), will be managed by Belgravia Leisure. The spa’s authentic wellness and spa experience combines the region’s healing geothermal waters with the centuries-old legacy of Ngāti Whakaue culture, healing practices and manaakitanga (caring hospitality).
The three key leadership appointments by Belgravia Leisure mark a significant milestone for the development, with the much-anticipated luxury wellness spa set to open on the newly transformed Rotorua lakefront later this year.
“We wanted to employ the best possible people for the job and following an extensive recruitment process we are delighted with the calibre of Rania, Jeanette and Miri and the expertise they bring to Wai Ariki,” says Mark Blake, Belgravia General Manager New Zealand.
“Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa will soon be on the global spa and wellness stage and I can’t think of a stronger group of leaders to ensure that we deliver on our promise of authenticity, quality and therapeutic benefits.
The trio started work for Belgravia Leisure for the Wai Ariki Hot Springs and Spa this month.
Rania Sears was raised in Rotorua and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from a diverse background in business, project and event management, as well as tourism and hospitality.
Miri Morrison-Hare.
She returned to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2020 after building a high-perfoming real estate company in Australia. Her workplace philosophy is that “success is not the work of one, but the work of many”.
Jeanette Haua has more than 27 years’ experience working in and leading some of the most luxurious spas around the world — and at sea. She has previously worked for 5-star luxury hotel brands such as the Ritz Carlton, Ritz Carlton Reserve and Shangri-La, and has a background in travel, tourism, health, fitness, massage therapy, wellness and recently became a practitioner of meditation and mindfulness.
Miri Morrison-Hare joins Wai Āriki Hot Springs and Spa with more than 15 years’ executive experience, alongside previous roles as a cultural ambassador, Māori performing arts teacher, as well as in beauty and massage therapy.
Her strong values align with her passion and love for Te Ao Māori, and she is widely recognised for her cultural achievements in kapa haka.
About Belgravia Leisure
Belgravia Leisure is an acclaimed spa and wellness provider, offering award-winning spa and wellness management services, feasibility studies, spa design, operational design and consultancy services. Dedicated to providing authentic, world class luxury wellness experiences, Belgravia Leisure manages existing spa and wellness properties and co-develops new projects in partnership with client partners, offering a portfolio of innovative experiences such as thermal /mineral springs and spas, destination wellness retreats and boutique accommodation.
■ Thanks to our friends at Shine Collective for this purongo.