Ki te hunga kumu haere, ki te hunga whakapiki hauora he oranga nui kai te whakakorikori tinana e wha tekau mā rima meneti te roa.
E hika mā nau mai ki te whare whakapakari o Holly Tamatea ki te wāhi whakamiharo e kīa nei ko F45 ki te pito whakamutunga o te Tiriti o Fenton. Ko te tikanga o te reta F – ko te "whakangungutanga āheinga"
Hai te whakamaramatanga ki ngā pepa itiiti– he paku omaoma, he paku hiki taumaha e hāngai nei ki koringa o ia rā. Whakakotahingia ai ēnei āhuatanga katoa ki tētehi mahi whakapau kaha e wha tekau mā rima te roa, anei tō taniwha.
Ka riro i a Holly te mana whakahaere o tēnei kamupene i te tau e rua mano e rua taku mā tahi a te kotahi tekau mā toru o Hakihea, he moemoeā nōna kua roa e koropupu ake ana ki roto i a ia.
Kai ngā tōpito katoa o te ao hurihuri nei a F45, engari e ai ki a Holly, "Kai kōnei kē te tino o aua whare katoa!".
Ko tana mahi i mua i tēnei he kutikuti makawe i Kawerau.
"Ae rā he wahine kutikuti makawe ahau mō ngā tau kotahi mā rima te roa, ko te whakapakari me te hauora, he mea tahataha kē tēnā. Ko tāku i Kawerau he mahi makawe me te whakapakari hai awhina i te hāpori – kua kotahi tau te roa ahau e whakapau kaha e eke ai ahau ki tēnei taumata".
"Hai aha noa atu te kuti makawe hai mahi māku engari ka amuamungia ahau e ngā tapeha tata".
He pūkeko whakapakari tinana a Holly engari kāre anō ia ki a tino māuri tau i tana wehenga i Kawerau ki Rotorua nei, me te whakangākau tonu ki tana makau whakatika motokā a Tipene Raki me tā rāua huatahi kai Kawerau e noho tonu ana.
Hai te hiku o tēnei kaupeka ka tau katoa ai te whānau ki tō rātou kāinga hou nei , whoi anō he waimārie nō Tipene e mahi tonu ana ia ki te mīra o Kawerau.
Nā te pukumahi o tana hōtaka kāre ia e whai taimā ki te huri ki kaupapa kē atu. E rua rau te nui o ngā tangata whakapakari kai te Māne ki te Taite ngā kararehe korikori e whitu te rahi ia rā, waihoki hai te Paraire he ono ngā kararehe, ā hai te Rahoroi me te wiki e rua karaehe korikori.
E pūare te whatitoka ki ngā tangata kotahi mā waru te pakeke noa atu. Atu i ngā karaehe ka whakatata hoki mai ngā mema me ā rātou ake hōtaka mahi. Ka Māori noa mai rātou ngā mema.
Holly Tamatea, right and with her staff at F45 in Rotorua.
"Kua whakaritea kētia e mātou ngā kame me ngā momo hōtaka whakapakari e āhei ai te hunga Korikori ki te tāhuri noa ki te mahi".
Tokoono ngā pouako ko Holly me te tangata tiaki toa te tokorua whai mana tuturu, ko ērā atu he hangere.
"Ka tīmatangia ai ngā karaehe ka hau mai ngā pouako mārama kehokeho noa te terenga". Atu i te karaehe whakapakari he wāhanga kai tika tā rātou me te kaiawhiawhi i ngā tangata pīkoko ki te piki wairua ki te piki te ora.
"Ae e āmaimai ana te ngākau o ētehi o ngā tauhou , whoi anō hai tā Holly – kia tika hoki ! Nau mai piki mai. Kai te ao o te hangarau ā-taupānga nei a F45, me he mema koe ka whakawhiwhia e koe tētehi hōtaka kai me tētehi hōtaka whakapakari tinana ki te kāinga".
"Kai te whakataetae mātou inaianei! – ehara noa iho ko te whakaheke i te ngako o te tinana engari ko te whakapakari hoki i ngā uaua me ngā ioio, kia kaha ai ngā pūkahukahu me te oranga o te tinana – anei mātou he whānau kotahi!". E tika ana te kōrero, ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini!
Nō Ngāti Awa me Tuwharetoa a Holly. Kātahi nei ia ka tahuri mai ki tōna ao taketake, ko Mihipeka tōna tupuna he morehu nō te pakarutanga o Rotomahana.
Kāre anō kia patua mātou e te mate urutā nā te mea he wahine mārō ki te whakapaipai whare a Holly.
"Āe, he pou-ako ahau -taku kuhutanga mai ki te whare kāre i tae mai ki ahau te whakaaro nui nōku tēnei kamupene, tētehi whare pēnei te ataahua. He wāhi awhina tangata, hāpai whānau me ōku hoa huhua – i whakapono kaha ahau ki tēnei kaupapa i ngā kupu akiaki a tētehi o oku tino hoa ki ahau anei ahau e tū ana!"
"He haerenga e ono mārama te roa kia tae ai ahau kia tū ai hei rangatira tuturu mō F45 me te mea nui nōku te whare! E kare mā ka nui ngā āwangawanga ka nui hoki ngā tītakahanga me ngā pō e tangi noa ana ahau, engari rā ko te pepehā a ngā tupuna, wahine tū wahine ora!".
Ko te Aperira me te Akuwhata tētehi wā tino tapu ki a Holly ka nui hoki ngā whakaritenga whakataetae kua whakatakotongia e ia.
He wā tino tapu te rā o ngā hōia. He kāpara tōna tūngāne a Luke Tamatea e toru tekau mā tahi tōna rahi, whoi anō i mate a ia me ōna hoa tokorua i Āwhekenetana ki te raki i te Akuwhata te kotahi tekau mā iwa o ngā rā i te tau e rua mano kotahi tekau mā rua. I pāhungia tō rātou taraka hōia.Mate katoa ngā tangata.
Ka whakaritea e Holly tētehi kaupapa tūngārahu paku hikoi paku oma, ko te wero nui ka wahaina ia tangata whakataetae tētehi tūeke e rua tekau mā rima kirokaramu te taumaha mo ngā kiromita kotahi mā wha te roa.
Ko ngā moni i kōhia ka whoatu ai ki a No Duff, he kaupapa manaaki i ngā Ika-a Whiro.
Nō te tau e rua mano e rua tekau ka whakaritea e Holly tētehi anō kaupapa āhua pēnei tonu ko ngā moni ka whoatu ai ki ngā tamāhine a tōna tungane. Nō reira e te toa e ngā hoia moe mai moe mai rā.
For people in a hurry who want to take care of their fitness, a 45-minute workout seems ideal.
In Rotorua that can be accomplished at Holly Tamatea's F45 studio at the lake end of Fenton Street.
"Back home in Kawerau I was working as a hairdresser and also running boot camps.
"This is what I've been working hard for for the past 10 years. "I'll never go back to hairdressing now although some of my whanau and old clients do ask me."
A certified personal trainer, Holly hasn't quite completed the transistion to Rotorua and misses her mechanical engineer husband Tipene Raki and their son who are still in Kawerau.
They hope to complete the move to Rotorua by the end of the year but Holly says the family is lucky Tipene still has a job at the Kawerau mill.
Her gym schedule doesn't allow her much time for contemplation.
It has over 200 memberships and the studio runs seven classes a day Monday to Thursday, six on Fridays and two Saturdays and Sundays.
Membership is open to people aged 18 and over. As well as the classes they have members who come in for their own programmes. Members come in at all times during the day.
Holly Tamatea at F45 in Rotorua.
"We have everything ready for people so when they arrive they can just start their workout."
There are six staff, Holly and the studio manager are fulltime and the others part-time.
"When the classes are on we have trainers come in. We have rosters and everything works out quite well."
As well as fitness, F45 offers nutrition advice and a wraparound package.
Some people are nervous about joining a gym but Holly says just come in.
"F45 conmes with a challenge app. When you become a member have a nutrition guide, at home training." Then there are the challenges about six or eight a year.
"We're currently in one now."
"F45 is not just about losing weight but gaining muscle, exercise, health and fitness. We have a team environment.
"You're not on your own."
Of Ngati Awa and Tuwharetoa descent Holly has recently begun to explore her whakapapa. She found that one of her tupuna, Mihipeka, was at Tarawera around the time of the eruption on June 10, 1886.
The Covid pandemic has not affected the gym noticeably because Holly is meticulous about deep cleaning the premises.
"I was a trainer there. Once I stepped in the door
Holly never thought she could have her own gym but had encouragement from friends and whanau.
"Just had a really good network of people. All it took was someone to say you can do it, we'll help you.
"That was a six-month process on the journey to actually purchasing F45. That was a really hard time. It was really stressful — a lot of late nights, crying.
"But you just have to do it."
April and August are really significant times of the year for Holly and she already has plans in place for challenges.
Her brother, Corporal Luke Tamatea, 31, and two comrades were killed in northern Afghanistan on August 19, 2012, when a bomb destroyed their Humvee.
In 2018 Holly organised a military-style walk/run in which participants carried a 25kg pack 14km and the proceeds were donated to No Duff, a charity for military veterans.
In 2020 Holly organised a similar event with the proceeds going to a registered charity set up to care for her brother's four daughters.