Ko te wānanga ka tu ki Te Ao Marama he mea hāpai ake e te tarati kore-moni a Patua Te Taniwha me ngā tōhunga o Te Moana-a-Toi. Atu i te tuku mātauranga ki te hunga hiakai he wāhi kōrero pakeke ai te māuiui te hunga noho taumaha ana ngā whakaaro.
He mōhio nō ngā tōhunga ki ngā tini āuē o te hāpori, ae, e mamae ana ētehi, ae, e māuiui ana hoki ētehi. Kai te piki hoki ngā tangata pēnei te māuiui i runga hoki i ngā taumahatanga ā pūtea me te utu o ia rā, o ia rā. Ko te whāngai tangata, ko te whāngai tamariki he kaupapa mārō hoki. Kai whea te oranga?
E ai ki te hunga whakarite i tēnei kaupapa, ka nui āna hua awhina i te whānau, tae ki te hapū me te iwi, otīā mai i te hunga tamariki tae ake ki ngā kōeke.
E pēwhea e tutuki ai tēnei? Mā te kōrero wairua, mā te mirimiri, mā te reiki, mā te rongoā me etehi atu pou awhina hoki.
Hāunga ēnei ka tū hoki ētehi toa hoko rongoā.
He wāhi whakamaumahara hoki, he tēpū e kawea ana e te tōhunga koia tēnei i whakawhiti i te ārai ki rāwāhi, wheoi anō kai te arahina a ia e te pou mātanga o Mataku Ariki, nānā hoki i whakahono i a ia ki tona kāwai whakapapa ki a Ngāti Awa.
He kaupapa e tautokona e Te Rau Ora. Engari anō ngā kaupapa kua kawea e ia.
He awhina i te hunga rangatahi kia takahia e rātau te huarahi o te mātauranga o te hākinakina me te hauora ā karahipi.
Ko Manawa Ora te ingoa o enei karahipi. E hāngai pū ki te whakapakari i te reo korokī, te poitūkohu, te mātauranga, te rīki, te hopu whakaahua me te hauora. E mea ana hoki rātau ka nui te īnoi ki ngā atua i te korenga o te māuiui urutā.
Nō reira e te iwi, mē e hakoke huarahi kore ana koe, peka iho ki te pā whakaharahara o Ōhinemutu ki Te Ao Marama. Pūare ai ngā whatitoka ā te kotahi tekau o ngā haora o te atatū. Nau mai e te tī e ngā wehi e ngā mana nui.
—Na Raimona Inia i whakamaori
English Translation
Healers from throughout our rohe will gather at Te Ao Marama Hall in Ohinemutu tomorrow to offer advice and hands-on healing.
This is the second year a Healing Expo has been hosted at Te Ao Marama.
Since the last Expo there have been significant adverse events led by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Gabrielle struck at the heart of communities throughout the motu. Now that the immediate hype has died down people are trying to rebuild their lives.
The Ohinemutu event is hosted by Patua Te Taniwha Charitable Trust and Ngā Tōhunga o te Moana-a-Toi multicultural healers.
Patua Te Taniwha Charitable Trust offers help and guidance around suicide. It offers practical as well as spiritual help.
The healers, who are based throughout the Bay of Plenty recognise a heightened need in our community, because there are many people experiencing some sort of mamae (hurt) and /or are māuiui (unwell).
They have come across people with multiple issues made worse by increasing anxiety around the rising cost of living.
Just trying to feed families has become more difficult.
Organisers say it will be of benefit to all whānau, hapū and iwi, from tamariki to kōeke.
This will be achieved through wairua (spiritual) connection and various healing modalities such as mirimiri, reiki, energy healing, chiropractic, card reading and rongoā Māori.
Among the stalls at Ohinemutu will be one featuring Rotorua’s Soul Alchemy with a wide range of rongoa products for sale.
There will be a memorial table for a special tohunga who crossed over to the other side of the veil and was a crucial part the healing a-wairua experienced by lead organiser Mataku-Ariki and also connected her to her Ngāti Awa whakapapa.
Funding for the expo has been provided by Te Rau Ora who also assisted in the trust’s other activities this year.
These activities included supporting Rangatahi with their pursuit of Mātauranga, Hākinakina and Hauora through the trust’s 2023 Manawa Ora Scholarships.
The scholarships were for Vocal Training, Basketball Academy, Education, Aqua Bot World Championship, Rugby League reps, Photography and Hauora (Health and Wellbeing).
The trust is grateful that this year it has not dealt with the problems created by Covid and has not had to cancel any events.
So, anyone in Rotorua tomorrow, make your way down to Ohinemutu for the Healing Expo at Te Ao Marama Hall.
The doors open at 10am and entry is free. Refreshments will be available.