Financial advisor Roszarri Wiringi is heling people find their first homes.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
He Taonga Tukuiho
Kua hipa ngā tau e ono e whakapau kaha ana a Roszarri Wiringi he awhina i ngā whānau huhua kia whiwhi whare ai rātou, he whakapakari kāinga tuturu, he penapena pūtea e momona ai te whenua hoko.
Nō ngā kānoi nui o Te Arawa tēnei wahine rangatira. Whai panga ai ia ki a Tahu Whaoa, Ngāti Kahungungu ki Wairoa me Ngai Tahu hoki. Tokowha āna tamariki ake. I whānau a Roszarri i te whenua moemoeā.
Nōna e kotahi noa te pakeke ka rere mai tana whānau ki Hawaiki Tahutahu ki Rotorua rātou noho ai. Kai Rotokawa kai te kāinga o tōna koroua ia e noho tonu ana. Nā reira i kaha ake ai tana tūhonohono ki tōna ao Māori.
‘Koina te mea nui ki tō mātou kuia, ko te whakatupu me te whakatō i te mōhiotanga ki tō mātou whenua ūkaipō. Nōna e hakoke ana, ka tū mai ia ki te tiki mai i a mātou kia haere ai mātou ki ngā tangihanga me āna kaupapa katoa.
‘He mea nui ki ahau taku whakapapa, he mea nui ki ahau toku ao Māori. Kua rangatira nei taku whānau i a Ella Te Aratukutuku Taylor (nee Fraser). Nā reira i mau ai taku whānau i ngā hononga whakapapa o tēnei takiwā. He iti taku reo, wheoi anō koia nei te ara e haerea nei e ahau, ka hua te wā tika kua kotahi atu ahau ki te puna reo Māori’.
Ko tana aronga nui me pēwhea e taea e ia te awhina i ngā tini whānaunga o te hāpori nei tērā ko te kuhu atu ki tō rātou kāinga tuatahi.
’Nōku te maringi nui he awhina nōku i aku whānaunga o te kāinga kia uru atu ai rātou ki tō rātou whare, āpitihia ki tēnei ko te awhina hoki i te taha tiaki pūtea e hoko whare ai tetehi whānau mō te taha ki a Ngāti Whakaue kaupapa whakawhanake’.
‘Nōna e kimi whare kē atu hai kāinga mōwai mō tana whānau ake te take i uru ai a Roszarri me tana hoa rangatira a Steven Wiringi ki tēnei kaupapa. ‘Nō te tau e rua mano, kotahi ngāhuru mā rua i hokona tō mātou kāinga, he whakaaraara whare nui ake te take. Ka hokona motuhakengia tō matou kāinga, e ngāwari ai te utu otīā kia momona ai ō mātou ake pūkoro pūtea.
‘Nō tēnei wā tonu e mahi tahi ana ahau me te whānau ki te hoko whare mō rātou. Nā wai rā ka hua ake tōku pōtae mōkete wheoi anō hai ēnei rā ka karangangia he pou awhina pūtea’.
Kua whakawhiwhia e ia ki tana itana tohu pou awhina pūtea, me uaua kē e kite ai he wahine anō i tēnei momo mahi i tana ake ropu mahi, he ahakoa kua whakawhiwhia e ia ki tana tohu, kai te huarahi o te mātauranga tonu ia e koke whakamua ana, inā te rahi o ngā ture e whakahuri ana i ia marama, i ia marama.
Apitingia ngā kaupapa here a ngā pēke ka āhua taumaha hoki te nui a ngā mahi.
‘Ka nui kē ngā whakahuringa ā pūtea taiōhanga, ā taiao, ā Kāwanatanga hoki. Me mataara tātou ki ēnei whakahuringa kia noho mōhio ai tātou e ahu ana te ihu o te waka nei ki whea, ina rawa te wera o tēnei wāhi mahi, kai etehi taima e tau ana, kai etehi taima he wera’.
Nō te tau e rua mano, kotahi ngāhuru mā waru ka whakaturia a Whakaaro Financial ko te take o tēnei waka he awhina, he whakarongo i ngā tini hiahia o tēra rangatira, o tēra rangatira e kimi e rapu pūtea awhina ana.
Ma te titiro ki muri e mātau ai me pēwhea te koke whakamua. He titiro ki ngā itareti rēti me te tāmi humoni, he hua nā ngā pūtea kaurewa o Kainga Ora.Nā tēnei huarahi e ora ana ngā tini rangatira, i te wā e titiro kē atu ngā pēke’.
Whare Tupuna, Tutanekai (Hinemoa Point).
Ka nui hoki te ora o tō Roszarri whatumanawa nōna e titiro pae tawhiti ana, he mōhio nōna ka piki te kaha me te maha o ngā tūranga kawanatanga e pakari ai tana pākihi, whaihoki tana taha ki te tohutohu tangata.
' He wahine ūpoko māro hoki ahau.Ko taku titiro pae tawhito e pēnā tonu ana, kāore e huri ki tahaki ki kaupapa kē atu.Nō te tau e rua mano, kotahi ngāhuru mā waru tēnei whakaaro.
Kāti nā te mea kua pakeke te tū a Whakaaro Financial hai FAP, ka kaha ake taku awhina i ngā whānau rahi o Hawaiki Tahutahu kia whiwhi whare kia whiwhi kāinga’.
Ko āna kupu ruarua hai whakakapi noa i tēnei wāhanga, tāna e whakapūhakehake ai a Kiwisaver.
“Kia rite te kaha o te wairua ki te manu maranga wairua me te rā, pai kē atu te tuku pūtea moata nōu e itiiti ai, kāua e kahakina, āta tirohia ngā whare tuku pūtea kia hāngai pū ki ngā kare ā roto, ki tāu wātaka, ā, me ngā whakatupatotanga hoki.
Ko te tangata whiwhi whare, he awhinatanga nui tērā e pakari ai tōna pae tawhititanga. Engari kia mahara rā e hoa, ehara i te mea hai kāinga ake ake, engari he tepe noa kia eke ai koe ki te tihi o te maunga me ngā moemoeā o te whatumanawa.
English Translation
Looking at the positives in recent years with interest rates high along with inflation have been products such as Kainga Ora First Home loans. These have given opportunity to families.
Rotorua Financial Advisor Roszarri Wiringi has spent the last six years helping whānau get into their own homes, sprucing up the homestead or investing in property.
Of Te Arawa, Tahu Whaoa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa and Ngai Tūhoe decent, mother of four Roszarri was born in Australia then she and her whānau moved to Rotorua when she was one years old where she lived most of her life at her koroua’s homestead in Rotokawa and this allowed her to grow up knowing her whakapapa.
“My Nan always made sure mokopuna knew where we were from and our connections.
“She would pick us up and take us on her travels. For those that know me, know that I love whakapapa because I love my whānau and I’m so very proud of who I am and where I come from. Whakapapa is something I treasure. My late grandmother – Ella Te Aratukutuku Taylor (nee Fraser) has played a big role for myself and my whānau in ensuring we know our whakapapa.
“I have some reo, but this is a journey I am still learning. I know when the time’s right, it will come.”
Roszarri strongly desires to help those from her local hapu and iwi and beyond, get in to their first homes.
“I have had the pleasure of helping many whānau from Te Arawa purchase their first homes. More recently, I have helped arrange finance for two local whānau purchasing their home in the Ngāti Whakaue development.”
Getting into this business started with Roszarri and her husband, Steven Wiringi looking into alternative housing options to accommodate their growing whānau.
“We sold our home in 2012 and decided to build a larger home. At the time, it was more affordable to build rather than buy. I sold our previous home privately to reduce costs and maximise profit.
“At the same time, I was also helping whānau with what options they had to buy their first home. This led to me becoming what was previously known as a Mortgage Broker but is now referred to as a Financial Advisor.”
With a certificate in Financial Services, and one of the few Wahine Māori Financial Advice Providers in the Finance Advisory Firm, Roszarri’s training has been on-going to ensure that she is up to date with regulation changes for industry standards and governance which is enforced from the Financial Markets Authority.
This, along with any bank policy changes can be daily.
“There have been many changes in the past few years with the economy, environment, and Government. Keeping on top of these constant changes is crucial as they can impact your current clients and the new ones you are dealing with. It is a very fast paced and ever evolving industry.”
Roszarri Wiringi, owner and director of Whakaaro Finance.
In 2018, Whakaaro Financial was founded with a mission to meet the unique needs of individuals seeking assistance with home ownership and financial lending solutions.
“Looking at the positives in recent years with interest rates high along with inflation have been products such as Kainga Ora First Home loans. These have given opportunity to families when most bank policies have tightened or preapprovals not available for high LVR lending.”
Roszarri shared her excitement for the future, knowing that it will be more hard work with taking on more governance roles in the business as well as advising.
“I’m an extremely driven and focused individual with my vision remaining the same as it was when I entered the industry in 2018. Having Whakaaro Financial now established as an FAP, I will continue to help Aotearoa homeowners achieve their dreams.”
Her advice for the future generation is simple too, Maximise your KiwiSaver investment.
“Start contributing as soon as you can. Be sure to choose a provider fund that aligns with your timeframe and risk tolerances. Owning your first home is a crucial step in securing your future.