Tame Malcolm on his aspirations for Te Papa Atawhai.
Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air
See below for English translation
E kōkōia e ara e
Ko Tāne te wānanga, ko Tāne te pūeknga, e ko Tāne mahuta.
Nō te rātahi ka hori nō te rua tekau mā rua o Akuwhata ka pōwhiringia e Te Papa Atawhai i Te Whanganui-a-Tara tō rātou Poutiriwā-Tianara tuarua. Ko ahau ( Tame Malcolm) tētehi o te rōpū tokorima he Poutiriwā-Tianara katoa mātou i pōwhiringia e te Tianara nui o Te Papa Atawhai, koia te karamata o te rākau tiketike nei. I kaha tautokongia ia e ngā tangata mahi hoki o te tari.
Ko te wāhanga ki ahau ko te tūranga Poutiriwā-Tianara tuarua mō te Tiriti. Ko wā matou ko taku tīma mahi he whakatūturu i te ngākau o Te Papa Atawhai, āe, kai te whakanuia e rātou ngā wāhanga katoa o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Nō te ūnga mai o te Tianara nui ka whakahoungia a Te Papa Atawhai, ko tana hiahia nui ki te whakaemi mai i tētehi pahi hou me tētehi rautaki hou e whakaū nei i te mana o te Tiriti, koia kē te uho o te waka. Kia noho matua kē te Tiriti.
Ko tāku ake whāinga he whakahuri i te ia e haere ake nei o Te Papa Atawhai kia mārama kehokeho ai ngā poumahi ki ngā herenga whakapapa o te tangata ki te whenua me ngā tini taonga otīā ki te taiao whānui tonu.
Ko te aronga nui māku me te patapātai ake, he aha ia nei tēnei mea te Tiriti ki Te Papa Atawhai, me pēwhea nā e whakatutuki ai tēnei mea ko te whakahonore i te Tiriti o Waitangi?
He aha rā hoki e ai ki ō mātou ake kanohi ? Me pēwhea nā te tārai i tētehi huarahi e whakakotahi ai tātou katoa, ā, e mārama hoki ai tātou katoa, ka oti ana, mēnā kai te tika tā mātou kī ake, āe, kai te whakamanangia te tiriti.
Ko tētehi o aku hiahia kia whakatūngia tētehi kaupapa atawhai mā te tangata whenua tonu e kawe, ā, ka heke iho a Te Papa Atawhai ki te tūnga pikituranga ki te pirangitia rātou, ki te kore e pirangitia rānei, engari rā ki a waiho te tangata whenua ki āna mahi.
In Wellington, from left (sister inlaw) Te Huia Taylor, Tame Malcolm and wife Kahurangi, and sister in law Tawera Taylor. Photos / supplied
Ka rua, ko te whakaara ake i tētehi kaupapa atawhai ā iwi e whai hua ai ngā tikanga me te mātauranga ake o tēnā whaitua, o tēnā whaitua, nā e noho wehe atu ai te Kāwanatanga. Engari rā ka tukuna mā te hapū, mā te iwi te waka e whakatere e ora ai te nehenehe, e haumaru ai te whenua e rangatira anō ai tō tātou taiao me ngā taonga.
Hai whakakapinga māku, ko te paetawhiti ki au, kia hoki te mauri o te ngahere ki te taumata, kia riro mai te kiko o nga manu hai kai ma tatau.
Wheoi anō e te uri o Ngai Te Arawa whānui tonu, te whare tapu o Otawa, te kōkōwai whakahirahira o Ngāti Te Iwimokai, te ure pūkākā o Tamateatutahi, ko Ngai Te Ahi kōē e tū.
Kōkōia e ara e. —Raimona Inia
On Monday 22 August there was a pohiri at Department of Conservation – Te Papa Atawhai, Wellington offices for the new Deputy Director Generals (DDG).
Myself along with 5 other DDG's were welcomed by the Director General (DG) – the top most boss of DoC – alongside Maori staff of DoC.
The role I am taking up is DDG of Treaty relationships. My team and I are responsible for making sure DoC are honour the Treaty relationships. DoC underwent a reset when the new DG came on board. She wanted a new team and new strategy that put Treaty at the heart of everything DoC does.
The goal I hope to achieve in this role is to change the current culture within DoC so that our kaimahi understand and respect the connection that tangata whenua have with the whenua and the taonga of the whenua. My immediate mahi is to look at what it means for DoC to honour the Treaty, how does that look and how do we – or iwi – measure how well we are as a treaty partner.
I would like to see a Conservation system where tangata whenua lead all conservation efforts and that DoC play a supporting role when and if needed.
Te Whanau Malcolm & Te Whanau Mohi.
I also want to see a Conservation system where tikanga and matauranga a iwi are honoured and that Crown agencies do not interfere with these concepts, but let iwi, hapu and whanau do what it is they need to do to protect, enhance and restore their taonga.
Lastly, ko te paetawhiti ki au, kia hoki te mauri o te ngahere ki te taumata, kia riro mai te kiko o nga manu hai kai ma tatau.