Issues around an increase in Bookabach-type holiday accommodation in Rotorua will be discussed by elected members at a Rotorua Lakes Council annual plan forum tomorrow. In a release posted on its website, the council said the issue of short-term accommodation such as those advertised on Bookabach and Airbnb was an issue other councils had also been dealing with in recent years.
The release said there were now at least 500 of these types of properties in the Rotorua district, many in residential areas.
It said staff had been investigating options to protect the public from potential negative impacts during the past few months. There were also potential impacts on infrastructure such as wastewater.
Former mayoral candidate Reynold Macpherson described Airbnbs and Bookabachs as "the new Lumbercube".
"Residents and ratepayers in Tihiotonga and other suburbs are suffering from noise, parking, overcrowding and behaviour problems around short-term rentals."