"This programme has been devised to help local businesses improve and grow by focusing on building capability in key areas that will have the most impact on their growth.
"Many business owners are so busy working in their business that they have no time to step back and work on their business. This programme provides them with the skills and mindset to work on their business to achieve faster growth."
He said what was unique about the programme was the new behaviours and skills learnt during the workshops are enforced and followed up with implementation sessions and coaching sessions.
"This is for business owners of medium size businesses that are profitable and scalable and have a willingness to accelerate their already growing business.
"Ultimately we want to help good businesses become great. This will have a positive impact on the Rotorua economy and will result in new jobs being created,."
Mr Pauwels said the programme was being run with 18 businesses owners in Taupo with the support of Enterprise Great Lake Taupo, with good success.
"It is exciting. It has gone well in Taupo and there are some surprising companies that have come out of the woodwork."
Rotorua Chamber of Commerce chief executive Darrin Walsh said it was a fantastic opportunity for local businesses and urged businesses to register their interest.
"This Growth Acceleration Programme is really exciting for local business owners and will help them take their business to the next level," he said.
Local businesses are invited to register their interest for the programme by completing an online form www.bit.ly/RotoruaGAP with registrations closing on February 6. Shortlisted businesses will be interviewed and successful applicants will commence the programme in late February.
Participants will be required to attend a two hour session every fortnight with the cost of the programme fully funded by Grow Rotorua.
The Growth Acceleration Programme is currently being run with 18 business owners in Taupo with the support of Enterprise Great Lake Taupo.
Programme facilitator Darren McGarvie said feedback from the Taupo participants had been extremely positive and he was looking forward to running the programme with Rotorua business owners.
"The programme is helping the Taupo businesses launch new products and services, accelerate expansion plans into other towns and implement new leadership initiatives with staff. We are looking forward to similar success in Rotorua."