Bike choice when travelling is never easy. Not taking one is always my preference when going to places with good bike hire options for only a week or three.
In late 2017 I was in Utah and Nevada riding in three separate bike parks and taking the opportunity to sample high-end, trail bikes from Pivot, Santa Cruz and Trek. Riding technical rock on a bike that is new to me may not seem like a good idea.
However, all three were very well set up by the shop mechanics. I felt a sense of confidence from the first moment I swung a leg over them, especially the Pivot Mach 6 and Trek Fuel 9.8. I experienced the Pivot over two days on the sublime, slick-rock trails above Hurricane in Southern Utah.
The only change after day one was lowering the air pressure in the tyres to 20psi in the front and 22 in the rear.
It was an opportunity to compare bikes with similar specifications – like carbon frames, length of travel and wheel size (all 27.5) - with my Zerode Taniwha.