Rotorua's Jebraun Clifford is looking forward to GeyserCon.
Getting among sci-fi and fantasy action and meeting kindred spirits is what GeyserCon will be all about.
GeyserCon is the 40th national science fiction and fantasy convention, and will be held in Rotorua at Holiday Inn Rotorua over Queen's Birthday weekend.
The weekend will include events for writers, students and fans of genre fiction and movies.
International guests and award-winning authors Kaaron Warren, Laura VanArendonk Baugh and Alan Baxter will feature in writers' and students' education programmes, along with a line-up of New Zealand authors.
The jam-packed programme kicks off next Friday with a GeyserCon Youth Day Out where students and teachers will take part in writing workshops.
There is plenty of fun to be had for sci-fi and fantasy fans, including steampunk, cosplay and cosplay makeup, crafts, filking, board gaming, taking part in a radio play, looking behind the scenes with Weta Digital.
Rotorua's Jebraun Clifford is looking forward to GeyserCon. Photo / Ben Fraser
There are a number of writing workshops available, including writing fight scenes, fantasy mapping, cover design, using mythology, marketing your books, faceblindness and character, and offsite workshops.
It also features a free all-weekend Book Expo with new titles from Kiwi and international authors.
Eileen Mueller, an award-winning New Zealand author attending, says exciting things are heating up and there are about 188 registrations so far.
She says these conventions can open up a lot of opportunities for writers and fans.
When she attended her first convention in Wellington in 2013 she met a tribe of writers she still works with - critiquing each others' work and providing support - and had an offer of publication.
10 days to go! It's a great time to plan out which panels and workshops you'll be going to. We have a lot of great stuff happening!
She is a writer, and says she is looking forward to meeting other sci-fi and fantasy enthusiasts and authors.
Jebraun is also looking forward to attending some fun workshops.
"It can be really inspiring to be with like-minded people and there should be a great selection of New Zealand sci-fi and fantasy books at the book expo."
Run as a not-for-profit venture, GeyserCon registration costs have deliberately been kept low to enable as many people as possible to attend.
- More programme information, venue information and registration prices are available at