After reading all the thousands of words lately about privacy, or the lack of it, around events that have led to proposed changes to legislation governing intelligence gathering, I am grateful for just one thing: I still have full control over the most fundamental of all privacies - the privacy of my own mind.
I value that privacy above all others and I am thankful I wasn't born in another time and in another place where even that ultimate privacy could and would have been abused and even stolen.
Imagine, for instance, being born and raised in Russia and its satellites or in Germany in the 1920s, 30s and 40s.
Imagine being brainwashed and propagandised from birth so that that most wonderful of organs, the mind, was reduced to blind and unreasoning obedience.
Imagine having to test every thought against the political correctness of the fascism and communism of the day, being scared even to entertain a notion that might slip out in an unguarded moment, frightened to share a thought with even your closest friend in case it might be misinterpreted.
Imagine being dragged from your home, thrown into a dark, cold, filthy cell, tortured mercilessly for hours, days or even weeks until the entire contents of that most private of places had been emptied of all that was in it.
Or, later, being injected against your will with so-called truth drugs so that everything you ever experienced, dreamed of, hoped for, loved, feared, hated, yearned for could be extracted from your mind, leaving you an empty shell - a nobody, a nothing.