For years I have suggested that the whole mechanism of local government should be reviewed, particularly the way it is financed. So it was with pleasure I learned this week that the Government was about to ring changes on the sector, including legislation to redefine its role.
Announcing the proposed changes, erstwhile Local Government Minister Nick Smith said councils' focus should be on local services rather than ones that should be provided by central government. The plan made that clear.
He announced that legislation would be introduced to Parliament in May to amend the Local Government Act to replace references to the "social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities" in the purpose clause and rewritten to make councils' new purpose "providing good quality local infrastructure, public services and regulatory functions at the least possible cost to households and business".
Not before time. I have always seen Dr Smith as a bit of a twit - and his resignation in disgrace from the Cabinet this week tends to prove it - but in moving to reform local government he was right on the money.
Prime Minister John Key says it is not a local body's job to fund projects the Government has decided not to. I would go further: it is not a local body's job to fund projects that are best left to private enterprise, or that private enterprise has decided not to.