As on who has for nearly all of his life believed in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and who has sought to trust, obey and serve the Son for most of it, I know without doubt that Jesus, if he so wishes, can heal anyone of cancer.
But I cringe when I see my Lord's compassion and mercy reduced to a roadside billboard, as it has been outside a church in Napier - just as I cringe when I see my Lord reduced to a bumper sticker. And I shudder when Christians make specific and sometimes outrageous claims about miraculous healings, deliverances or whatever without any shred of evidence that these things are so.
In the case of the Napier church, not one whit of evidence has been produced to back its claim that Jesus has healed six people of cancer. One man, who admitted having had surgery and medication, came across on TV as having received only spiritual comfort from the church. In this the church is at odds with scripture, for when he healed a leper, Jesus told him to tell no one but to go and show himself to a priest who would confirm his cleansing and healing from leprosy.
Only under the threat of an Advertising Standards Authority complaint did the church this week remove the "Jesus Cures Cancer" billboard, but it has replaced it with one that says: "Jesus heals every sickness and every disease - Matthew 4:23".
How clever of them to use a Bible verse. It reminds me of all the other worldly businesses that resort to circumlocutions and half-truths to circumvent advertising standards - such as they are - and keep sucking in the customers.