The annual Te Arawa games will see competitors descending on the Ngongotaha area to take part in a celebration of the iwi's sport, values and principles.
Ngati Rangiwewehi is hosting the games and part of the objective of having a host is that participants understand the geography of that host and how their environment dictates they live, said Te Papa Takaro o Te Arawa events manager Stephen Te Moni.
"The Te Arawa Games provides a platform for marae to come together in a common cause of having fun, inter-generational interaction and being uniquely the present representation of a common ancestor or ancestors. Opportunities arise to get to know whanau and iwi members better, learn more about who you are, understand the natural environment and how to interact positively in those environments, try something new and try something old," Mr Te Moni said.
As well as the popular sports such as touch rugby, netball, tennis, table-tennis and golf, this year, tamariki triathlon has been added as there has been a huge interest and backing from parents. Other new additions are a number of Polynesian ancestral games which have been brought back from Tahiti. They will be played at Tarimano Marae on Sunday.
Image 1 of 10: 220315bf10 Te Arawa games at Karenga Park. l-r Taylor Kaio, 14, Ocean Raroa, 16, Ngamihi Raroa, 14, Logan Morgan, 2, Photo/Ben Fraser