Rotorua school kids will get their hands on creepy crawlies and high-tech science tools thanks to a Scion-led project that has been awarded $150,000 in the 2018 Unlocking Curious Minds funding round.
Scion, with co-funding from the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, has partnered with the House of Science to inspire students about science and technology through practical hands-on learning in managing insect pests in the primary industries.
As one of New Zealand's 'food bowls', the Bay of Plenty needs good pest management and biosecurity science for its horticulture, farming and forestry industries to thrive. These industries are also the main employers in the region.
The project combines scientific skills from Scion with science education skills from the House of Science to create an exciting learning programme for students.
Students from 20 low-decile primary schools across the Bay of Plenty will take part in a unique programme that comprises practical in-school learning, pest surveillance workshops and a field trip to a commercial horticultural firm.