What an amazing achievement, what an amazing woman. Dianne will forever have a place in my heart and I am only one of thousands of young men whose lives she has worked so tirelessly to improve.
Dianne worked so hard to broaden horizons, to turn boys into young men. She took ratbags by the ear and made them understand discipline. She took the sad and lonely and put a smile on their faces. She took the good and made them better.
On behalf of all the old boys you have influenced and given so much of your time to Dianne, thank you. I hope you enjoy your retirement.
On another positive note, I would like to acknowledge "Awhi" Rotorua.
They are part of Healthy Families NZ. Their goal is to encourage whanau to live healthy and active lives. And what better place than Rotorua to get out and get active.
They also want to remind us all to try and live smoke-free and if you have to have a drink, do so safely and in moderation.
Their message, all parts of it, is so important and so I wish them the best in getting their message out there; they know they have my support.
What a fantastic night we all had at the scavenger hunt for the Big Brothers, Big Sisters launch several weeks ago. As part of the celebrations, received clues to different destinations and were told to travel safely around town.
Some people managed pretty quick times; I was a bit suspicious, I think I made the middle of the pack with my family.
What a fabulous group of people trying to make a difference in the lives our young Rotorua children.
Make contact with Darryl Parker, the new co-ordinator on (07) 349 9414 to find out how to get involved.
I look forward to meeting more and more people in the new year and working with those who need my help and support, but in the meantime, Merry Christmas Rotorua. Please drive safe and look after one another and have a wonderful and very happy New Year.
-Fletcher is a New Zealand First list MP based in Rotorua.