"Our community clearly cared enough to offer their thoughts and suggestions and their verbal feedback was overwhelmingly positive, while written and online survey results also confirm we're on the right track.
"This has added exciting and relevant community input into our annual plan discussions this week," she said.
Rotorua 2030 sets out seven major long-term goals, along with four key priorities to achieve by the end of the current three-year council term in 2016.
During November and December councillors engaged with residents across the district seeking both verbal and written feedback.
The verbal feedback was strongly positive while results from the 200 completed survey forms showed 93 per cent support for the seven key goals for 2030 and 91 per cent support for the 2016 priorities.
"The fact that people took the time to consider and comment on the future aspirations for our city and district strongly suggests that council is going in the right direction by creating meaningful discussions and partnerships with our community and other stakeholders," Mrs Chadwick said.
"As a council we remain committed to working with our community to ensure the destination we've identified together is the right one, for without a clear and agreed destination our journey to the future can't be successfully navigated."
This week's annual plan forums for councillors will result in a draft 2015/16 annual plan document being released for public consultation at the end of March with hearings set for May and adoption of the plan at the end of June.
Rotorua MP Todd McClay said he supported the reform process.
"Our district is faced with growing levels of debt, which if not addressed quickly will become unsustainable ...
"This is a great place to live and we need to ensure that council's structure delivers for local people whilst attracting new and exciting opportunities to the district."
Mr McClay said the council had some difficult decisions to make in the near future.
"However, my feeling is that they are taking their responsibilities seriously and are trying to balance the need for long overdue change against what local people can afford."
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