In his article refuting the likelihood that scientists rediscovered parts of the Pink (and to a lesser extent White) Terraces, Bill Keir uses as the basis of his criticism of the survey done by GNS Science and collaborators, the present depth of the aforementioned terraces and their supposed height above sea level, before the 1886 eruption of Mt Tarawera.
Mr Keir quotes our press releases of 50-60m for the depth to the re-discovered terraces as being 10-20m "too deep" to be the Pink Terraces of pre-1886. Surprisingly Mr Keir is happy to preface his whole argument on surveying done before 1886. Then, in his own words, he says, "... There are no accurate data for the elevations of the two lakes [Tarawera and Rotomahana] before the 1886 eruption ...", and then proceeds to ignore this very pertinent statement, going on to say the terraces we rediscovered are simply too deep.
During our surveys of early 2011 and again this year we used differential global positioning system (GPS) that utilised up to 11 satellites to ensure we had accuracy to within a few vertical centimetres, and tens of centimetres in a horizontal sense. This ensured the absolute location of our vessel was known at any one time. Moreover, the autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) equipped with numerous sensors used in 2011 to survey the lake, including the ability to map the lake bathymetry, could equally navigate around the lake to a very high degree of accuracy with respect to location, as we used transponders to triangulate the position of the vehicle which were themselves surveyed by the surface vessel using the above-mentioned GPS system. Thus, unlike before 1886, we knew exactly where the AUV was during its survey of the lake floor to within tens of centimetres. This was repeated this year when we resurveyed the lake floor bathymetry to a resolution of better than 0.5m. The point here is that various lakefloor features we surveyed/mapped/photographed are very accurately located with respect to position (ie, latitude and longitude) and depth in the lake. Any reference to accurate lake level(s) above sea level before 1886 is fraught with potential for large errors.
I would suggest our measurements for the base of the Pink Terraces are much more likely to be the real values as supposed to supposition of inferred heights above sea level by Mr Keir.
Mr Keir then lists possibilities for why the terraces could be 10-20m deeper (in his mind) than they "should" be, including: "... lower sections of the Terraces that were below lake level prior to 1886 and never seen by humans ... remnants of other silica terraces which formed before earlier eruptions in prehistoric times and were buried in the lake long before humans arrived ... and fragments of the Terraces displaced into the crater by the explosion ...". Again this assumes any surveying done before 1886 being accurate. Yet several of the ideas listed above are reasonable.