Readers on the Rotorua Daily Post Facebook page share their thoughts on pool owners having to pay for safety inspections under new rules put in place by the Government.
- Why do they need to be checked every three years - how much is going to change in that time with a fence anyway? I'm all for safety - that's why we put up our fence to council requirements but ours only went up two years ago and nothing has changed yet.
-More drownings occur in the lakes and sea . . . What are the statistics for drownings in pools in Rotorua in comparison?
- Leave the homeowners alone, The amount collected at $110 a visit makes for the new pool inspector to be paid a copious wage.
- I'll just pull mine down . . . The council waste enough of our money now I'm not giving them more.
- Happy to say we are fully fenced to full New Zealand safety standards but annoyed we will have to pay $110 plus ongoing fees to satisfy the council
- Pools are cleaner and safer than our lakes.
- What if you didn't pay? Then you wouldn't get a visit? I think this is going to cost more to enforce to be honest.
- They are just being greedy.
- They want to do this in a place where there are lakes, rivers and geothermal hot pools? - Are they also going to fence off all the creeks and open ditches? I'm all for pool safety but the charge is a rip off!
- $110! And they wonder why people put in unconsented pools, sheds, sleep outs etc. Try to do the right thing and the Government just stiffs you over and over again..
- The majority of the drownings happen in the lakes. Let's educate, locks and fencing is a start but not the answer. Just my opinion.
- If he comes around I'm not paying a cent . . . No way, it's just a scam.
- Another reason to fill the pool in.
- I'm happy with that. It's only $110 every three years.
- It cracks me up . . . "You have to pay for an inspection you don't want or think you need.." Oh the irony.