Common sense conclusions say any debt this high is not good. Meanwhile, Beehive National Party mass amounts of putea (money) spent through New Zealand Transport Agency roading projects around New Zealand. Eg, up to $700 million on a Auckland highway to save 13 minutes drive time and the Rotorua Eastern Arterial project agenda.
Why can't the Beehive give money to pay RDC debt off, practically, if they have bulk funds? As for current mayor working for pohara (poor or broke) Maori? Kaore (no). Vote Lady Justice, 1st Maori Mayoress.
Steve Chadwick (new candidate):
Your vote can change council, encourage a fresh start, a new culture, a renewed focus on debt reduction and growth. Council needs a "can do" attitude on the way it does business to attract investment in the city.
I will untie the knots and join the dots to get stuff happening in the central city. My blueprint for change has been developed with the community, business and iwi.
It focuses on opening the geothermal field for both business and the community. We can warm our homes from geothermal. We will become the health Spa City of the Pacific for which we were once famous.
This will link to our forests, mountain biking, walking tracks and clean lakes.
I will work with the Regional Council to reduce debt and make the airport a regional asset.
Nobody will be left behind. You are connected to my plan. When the kids who hang out in the central city become linked to training and a job, we will know we are making a difference to restore Rotorua to a place we can all be proud of.
Together we can tap our talents and take Rotorua to the next level.
Helen Hindmarsh (new candidate):
Rotorua can trust me to provide vibrant, colourful and creative thinking and leadership that will move residents and tourists alike to enjoy, share and delight in our places, spaces and people.
I have heart, passion, intelligence and commitment to the health, wealth and well-being of you, families, businesses and organisations - our community.
In fifteen years since an injury stopped my dual occupations of registered nurse and business-woman, I have grown and thrived, become more educated - including four school certificate subjects at RGHS in 2001, and a post-graduate rehabilitation paper from Otago University in 2002 - successfully raised two healthy, responsible sons, discovered and explored talents in art, writing, and photography, built a yet-to-open "Amuseum", and stayed actively interested, concerned and involved in civic issues.
The question is not, "what do I think", but rather, "how do I think".
I think with respect, equitable outcomes, knowledge and understanding of individual, business and organisational needs foremost, free from political rhetoric and authoritarianism.
Free Rotorua from old-fashioned, boring governance and vote for vibrance, colour and inclusive, respectful leadership.
I look forward to sharing the wealth of colourful experience my contribution as Mayor of Rotorua will bring.
Rob Kent (new candidate):
I encourage everyone to make an informed decision when choosing who to vote for in the elections, in the best interests of Rotorua and our future. Running a city efficiently and planning for our future should have nothing to do with politics, it should be about what's best for Rotorua and us all.
If you don't vote don't bother to complain afterwards. You have the opportunity to instigate change, or complaisantly accept more of the same that's allowed this city to get into the mess it has: excessive expenditure, rates and debt; wasted waterfront; a near derelict unattractive CBD; high unemployment, few jobs and new business being chased away by excessive red-tape and over-zealous regulatory interference in our rights in property and in our economic and social wellbeing.
Like the Titanic, we are headed for an iceberg. You have a choice of three life-boats that will make it over the side: You can choose the one steered by the person who put you in the path of the iceberg. You can choose the one steered by the most popular person on board. Or you can choose the one with an experienced "old salt" at the helm, who knows the sea.
Kevin Winters (incumbent mayor):
My vision for the next three years includes continued economic development around Grow Rotorua's 15 point economic growth plan to create jobs and investment, with special emphasis on the development of world leading facilities and events.
Improving our social outcomes by working towards a safe district for children and whanau. Our new education initiative through all schools will increase the student achievement levels of our young people.
Our cultural enrichment programmes will celebrate our multi-cultural society. With seven more memoranda of understanding with Te Arawa iwi/hapu, our community engagement programmes are enhanced.
Environmental improvement programmes will continue to clean up our air and lakes. The establishment of the New Zealand Freshwater Management Centre of Excellence is a goal.
I'm proud of the achievements made by RDC in the nine years under my leadership as mayor of Rotorua.
RDC is in very sound shape with clean bills of health from the Office of the Auditor-General. We have developed world leading Terax waste treatment technology with Scion and connected 2000 more lakeside homes to the wastewater treatment plant. Eat Streat is a start to the CDB revitalization programme in becoming the first public outdoor geothermally heated dining facility.
Re-elect Kevin as Mayor of Rotorua and we will keep Rotorua on track.