It's not a new fight. When Mrs Chadwick was the Labour MP for Rotorua in 2003, her bill was defeated by 63 votes to 55. Mr McClay's attempt in 2007 lost by 64 votes to 57.
The failures were mainly because of party politics. MPs weren't prepared to vote against the party line.
It'll be up to Mrs Chadwick to convince her old mates from the left this is a good idea for Rotorua. It'll be a tough ask for those with strong religious, family and union ties. Those against previous attempts have argued Easter is one the few times for families to be together without the pressures of work.
Should we or shouldn't we is already being debated on social media and our website. Some say their children who work in supermarkets would have a hard time telling their bosses: "I'm sorry I'm not able to work Easter Sunday, I want to spend time with my family."
If this bill were successful, it'll be up to employers to take this into account. If staff members want to be with families instead of making money, don't hold it against them.
If you were brave enough to take a drive on Saturday into the CBD you would have been caught up in the Easter mayhem as shoppers rushed to the sales and the supermarkets while they could. In this day and age, it's all a bit silly. If a retailer wants to open, and shoppers want to shop we should be allowed - especially in a city like Rotorua.
Credit should be given to Mrs Chadwick and Mr McClay for giving it another shot. Bring on the fight.