The decision to lower the speed limit in Fenton St south of Malfroy Rd didn't come easy.
It's not hard to see why.
Councillors this week voted 5-4 (courtesy of committee chairwoman Merepeka Raukawa-Tait's casting vote) to change the speed limit from 60km/h to 50km/h from mid-November.
Key reasons for the change included moteliers' concerns about the 60km/h traffic. These ranged from the noise of vehicles driving past to worries that potential customers were going by too fast to check out their motel signs. Any business has every right to voice such concerns, but whether they should be a major factor in a decision affecting mainly local motorists is another matter.
Factors like safety should be paramount, but you have to draw the line somewhere. Council transport planning manager Peter Dine says traffic speeds in Fenton St have reduced by 10 per cent since the introduction of roundabouts at Devon and Marguerita Sts. Another roundabout at the Ti St/Malfroy Rd crash blackspot would also have a notable effect on speeds.