When confronted with statistics like 34,000 Kiwi children having teeth removed before their 14th birthday, it's pretty clear the state of kids' oral health is in a bad way.
Just a few weeks ago I was talking to dental nurses - the ones dealing with the problem day in, day out - who told me there was a whole array of horror stories they've seen when it comes to kids and teeth in the district. Our kids' teeth are some of the worst in the country.
Those in the dental profession are the first to admit that putting fluoride into the water supply isn't likely to be a cure-all. It has to be combined with education, good brushing habits and a change in what we let our kids eat and drink. But it is a step in the right direction.
Full credit to the Government for working to take the decision out of local councils' hands for health boards to consider.
Without doubt, they'll face strong opposition from those who see it as mass medication. Those opposed are a passionate bunch who are skilled at getting their point across.