According to our deputy mayor, treated effluent from Rotorua's proposed wastewater treatment plant will be cleaner than water entering Lake Rotorua from streams in the catchment.
We reported those comments yesterday, following a unanimous vote by the Rotorua Lakes Council's Strategy, Policy and Finance Committee to proceed with a plant upgrade plan that includes eventual discharge into the lake - although they will continue to consult and look at other options.
I had a couple of reactions after reading Dave Donaldson's comments. One, to wonder what that says about the health of our streams? And two, to pause, put aside the kneejerk reaction many have when they hear "sewage going into the lake" and consider whether the perception is worse than the reality.
No one likes to think about what happens to what they flush down the toilet.
We also don't like to think about that waste ending up in a lake we may swim in, eat fish from and play on.