There appears to be plenty of interest in being part of the Rotorua District Council's new Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) which will lead economic development in the city.
The CCO board will have an independent chairperson, six directors and will appoint its own chief executive and staff.
As we report today, nearly 30 applications for the seven board positions have been received, 18 of them from out of town, so it's hoped there will be a cross-section of people from whom to choose to form a board that is dynamic, visionary and will get things done.
As we have previously reported, the key focus of the CCO will be driving implementation of the Rotorua Sustainable Economic Growth Strategy, including promoting local economic development programmes and aligning with regional and national initiatives.
Mayor Kevin Winters says it's expected the CCO will become a key influencer of Rotorua's economic transformation and make a strong contribution to the district's vision: "Rotorua - Living the dream. World class in every way."